Anyone ever thought of keeping a cuttlefish?


These seem very interesting. After I get more experience with reef tanks, I intend on try to keep these in a tank. I was wondering if anyone has thought about doing this or even has actually kept one.


Active Member
lots of people have considered it.
honestly they are not suitable for your average, or even above average hobbiest. you would need a massive tank to care for one long term. ()long term of course is a subjective term as they opnly live a year or two)


Wow what a thought, keeping a cuttlefish in a tank!
What would you do if you accidentally startled the cuttlefish & it blasted off leaving a huge ink cloud behind ?
Time for a water change....


I was at Disney World in September and they had a tank with them in it, pretty cool. They also had a round tank with well over 100 clown fish in it, probably 75g or less.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
fishy, I was at Disney World two years ago and they only had one. Did they add more?
I think they had more than 1, and I want to say as many as 3, but I don't remember completely, sorry.


Originally Posted by fishyCPA
I think they had more than 1, and I want to say as many as 3, but I don't remember completely, sorry.
Was there last month.I stood at the tank for about 25 min. Wife was a little fired up.Stayed in that part for about 3 hours just looking at there fish.


I kept one several years ago, and had I known then what I know now...I would not have done it.
They are really cool animals. Just as smart as an octopus, if not even more. But having one is like adopting a child. You have to really take care of their needs. It took me forevere to get mine to eat dead shrimp. Mine wanted live crabs, live crabs and most of all...crabs that were ALIVE. Talk about cost!!
Honstely, unless you have a big tank, 300+, I would not suggest having them. I know they look call, and they ARE cool. But geez...what a tough creature to keep alive. Mine lasted about 9 months.


Active Member
Beautiful creatures, but the short life expectancy and high needs eliminates them from most tanks.
My first ever dive on the Great Barrier Reef I got to go face to face with a huge one... Awesome experience.


In my recent aquarium fish magazine...
These animals are short lived, with a life expectancy of less than a year. It's time to do a reality check, i do not agree with the sale of these animals or their eggs, because they are relatively rare over most of their range. They also ship poorly. Most of these animals shipped from indonesia or the phillipines will die in transit - dozens may be collected to get a live one to your aquarium.
Also, reports i have collected regarding captive care suggests they rarely do well in captivity. As mentioned they are also short-lived. Do you really want to pay big bucks for something that will last a mere couple of months?
That's what it says, so it doesn't sound good, however it gives this site for cephalopods that can be kept in captivity. Gohere


They are possible to keep but i would highly suggest against it. If your dead set on keeping one there was an article in the june 2007 Tropical fish hobbyist magazine about keeping them in reef tanks. Very interesting but imo its reward dosent out way the cost. Hope this helps and good luck


Active Member
we had some at our zoo, i went to the zoo on a school field trip and 4 of my class mats ( highschool kids) startd pounding the glass for all they were worth and scared the poor little cuddlefish and they inked and all of them died, i was so mad at my class mates i wanted to pound ther heads


Active Member
On the up side;Their soft type bones are great for puffers to gnaw on to keep their ever-growing teeth in check.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bakers_dozen
did they get in trouble?

no not at all, and the sad thing is not only did they die but the teacher ws watching them do it


Active Member
Richard Ross is a local buddy of mine who keeps and breeds cuttlefish. A google search should turn up several nice articles by him.


Active Member
I have seen one cuttlefish and one nautilus at the pet store in my life. Both were in the corner, withdrawn and sickly looking. I would leave these critters in the ocean.