anyone ever try to keep a lobster


New Member
anybody ever keep a large lobster the kind you get at the fish store.
i was thinking of keeping one in a 125 gallon tank that i am not using.


Active Member
I tried once, brought him home live, put him in the QT.....
But once the main tank started Boiling and the butter was melted... I just had to through him in
:D :D :D


New Member
i have done that to.
but this time i was hoping to keep him alive a little longer than that


Active Member
I think the problem that you'll run into is tank temp. Most of those at the grocery store are cold water species. Look at the tank there kept in, it has a large built in chiller.


I had one like that for about a month. He was in a little 10 gallon with 2 damsels but at night he would try and eat them so I moved him to my main tank where he was promptly devoured but the triggers.

trigga fish

New Member
I've thought about trying to keep a large lobster in my 300, but never went through with it. I'd hate for him to catch any of my fish sleeping. I'm sure payback for such a murder would result in an immediate frewhwater dip at boiling temp...followed by some garlic and butter sauce and a baked potato.
I'm curious as well as to anyone's experience with keeping these large lobsters in thier tanks.


I'm sure Homer Simpson could tell you about his experience w/ Pinchy :D
Sorry... Couldn't resist.



Originally posted by Irenicus
I'm sure Homer Simpson could tell you about his experience w/ Pinchy :D
Sorry... Couldn't resist.

hahaha that was an awesome episode :D