anyone ever use "Prime"


my lfs said that it detoxifies nitrates so that they are safe, is this true or are they just trying to sell me somehting to make money. thanks


Active Member
Snake oil. Do not use "miracles in a bottle" in this hobby. Cycle naturally with live rock or a raw shrimp.


thanks for the reply but im not cycling my tank, i have high nitrates and i have been doing about 10% water changes every 3 weeks and i still can't get them down. the tank has been set up for about 3 years now. my lfs said that this "prime" stuff will make the nitrates not toxic so i can add sps corals.


Active Member
Nope, However if you provide more specifics about your tank, let's see if we can come up with a REAL solution.
Specific parameters
Tank age
Tank size
how much/how often you feed
how much of a water change
type of filtration
RO water or tap water
BTW, a 10% water change ever 3 weeks is NOTHING I am afraid. You should do a minimum, IMO, of 30% a month.


Active Member
Prime works for some things, but I'm not sure about this particular claim. Prime does work well for neutralizing ammonia, etc, so it's useful when running a QT or transporting fish, but I doubt it will work well for this at all.
Even assuming it did work, what is the "long term plan?" You can't use prime forever, at least you SHOULDN'T, because that's attacking the symptom and not the cause. We gotta find out why your nitrates are what they are and fix that... What does your feeding and water change schedule look like?


nitrates 80-100ppm, ya its is preetty high
nitrites 0
alk 0
ph 8.4
thats the only tests i have for my kit
tank is about 3 years old
110 gallon
yellow eyed tang, 2 maroon clowns, 2 gobies, lawnmower blenny, cleaner shrimp, sand sifting star, & 2 chromis.
i feed 2 pinches of food a day and skip sunday
i have live sand
i usually change 15 gallons a month, but i sounds like i have to up that.
80 gallon sump as filtration, with calurpa and purigen
i use ro water


Active Member
How old is your test kit? Have you had the readings double checked?
BTW, I truly hope your alk is not 0!!!!
Do you have a skimmer?


my test kit is a a year old and i had it double checked by the lfs and it was the same as my kit.
im sorry not my alk, my ammonia is 0
i haven't checked my alk, ill have to get a test kit for that.
yes i have a skimmer, i still pulls out some waste or whtever it is


Active Member
I would start with the test kits, what brand are you using? Maybe run a water sample over to the LFS and see what they come up with. Have you tested your RO water before you add it to the tank?


Active Member
The first step will be to seriously step up the water changes. I will do 15g on my 45 2-3 times a month. That is a bit heavy, but then I know I feed a lot. But you will have to start making significant impacts through water changes.
How is your refugium set up?


the test kit i use is made by "doc welfish", it was the same kit the lfs used to test it and it came with the same results.
i haven't tested my ro water, thats a good idea though, do you think there is nitrates in the water?


ok how big of a water change do you think i should start with and how often?
the water just goes through foam pads, then purigen, then i goes to my calurpa, then skimmer, and back up to the tank.thanks


Active Member
How often do you rinse out the foam pads?
To be honest, I would personally suggest a more accurate test kit.
Do you find that you have to harvest caulerpa regularly or not?


i rinse them out once a month
sorry, but i don't really know what harvesting is, so i never harvest it.
ill pick a better quality test kit up to see if there is any difference


Active Member
Those pads can lead to some real problems, I was having the same problem on one of my frag tanks, it was driving me nuts till I realized that I was never cleaning the pad that was in the bottom of the skimmer overflow box, it was full of black gunk. Actually I didn't even know the pad was in there. Salifert makes some of the best test kits (on this site)


Active Member
Don't rinse them in fresh water, that kills the good bacteria. When ever you do a water change use the tank water to clean the pads, just rinse them really good, squish em, squeeze em, ring em out until the water comes out clear.


Active Member
Are you using a canister filter, didn't see it listed in your equipment. Are you running carbon or any other type of media?


Prime works great to declorinate tap water and also provides a good slime coat for those fish that need it... However it can smell like rotten eggs for awhile in the room it was used in haha... I prefer Amquel Plus which doesn't include the slime coating which can screw up the protein skimmer from working right. However I only recommend using these chemicals when pretreating water. Not as a solution to a problem.
Your nitrates are high because you do not change your water enough. 3 weeks is a really long time especially for only 10%. You should be doing at least 10% a week or 20% every two.. You'll see a drastic difference in your water quality if you do. Also make sure you turn off your sump/refugium when feeding, this way the fish get a chance to eat all the food and there isn't a bunch just getting sucked into the sump/sump pad and decaying.


Active Member
IMO, in a tank with LR, these pads do not have a significant role in the biological filter, and you should be able to clean them frequently....meaning every few days, even in tap water. This will kill the bacteria, yes, but if you have significant live rock (actually...I don't see an amount of Live Rock?), a refugium, or a wet/dry, etc, these pads should be negligible in terms of their contribution.
I think there is a greater benefit, personally, to rinsing them much more frequently, then only doing so at a water change. They do play a significant role in the tank in terms of being a mechanical filter. If you do not use these pads, then the gunk they trap gets carried elsewhere, and may still cause problems.