anyone ever use "Prime"


maxalmon - i am not using a canister filter, i just have an 80g sump with calurpa and purigen. do you think that i should add carbon along with the purigen?
ophiura - i don't know how many pounds of live rock i have becasue i bought the tank used and he didn't tell me when i bought it, i do have a good amount though. a little more than half my tank is filled with lr, and i also have some in the sump.
ok so clean my filter pads once a week and do a 20% water change every week. Thanks


I've used the product before and I do find it helps when you add it to your water, ecspecaily when your adding the new water to your tank when your do water changes!


Active Member
It works as a dechlorinator, but ideally you would not be using tap water anyway
As far as the slime coat, yes, this can really mess up a skimmer (I've accidentally learned this), and there is really some question as to how much this really helps anything. There are products that claim to have aloe and such in them, but realistically, a water change should not be this stressful to fish that they are doing great harm to themselves.
IMO, it is one of those great marketing schemes.
If you have a lot of LR in the tank, then rinsing the pads frequently - even in tap water - should be fine. If your tanks survival is hinging on these pads, you've got bigger problems than nitrate on your hands


Active Member
I used prime when I ran my tank on well water, as for neutralizing nitrates, doubtfull, but I loved it for detoxifying heavy metals like Iron that is often found in well water, I do believe its good for ammonia too. The best overall treatment for city tap water on the market hands down is Amquell plus, not only does it detoxify ammonia but it nuetralizes pheremones and ceartain other chemichals in the water. Pheremone nuetrelization while not needed aids in helping your fish grow faster, many fish exude growth inhibitors that are neutralized by Amquell and as far as I know its the only product that is clinicly proven to do so. (amquell also claims to neutralize nitrite and nitrate but I dont know the validity of that claim)


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
If you have a lot of LR in the tank, then rinsing the pads frequently - even in tap water - should be fine. If your tanks survival is hinging on these pads, you've got bigger problems than nitrate on your hands

If there is an abundant amount of LR in both the DT and the Fuge, are these pads even needed? Couldn't they just be taken out all together?


Active Member
Yes, however they still play a role as mechanical filters. IMO they were really never intended to be biological filters. The gunk they trap will ultimately just end up accumulating somewhere else - somewhere much more difficult to remove. So I would use them, and rinse them.
They are not doing the same "job" IMO as the biological components (LR, LS, etc) in the tank.


ok, in my sump i have about an inch of this green powder stuff(i think it is detritus) my question is there any thing i can put in there to clean it? Do you think this could be raising my nitrates? i would siphon it out, but its the same level, so it doesn't really siphon. thanks