Anyone From Georgia?


hey complete, what you looking to get for the hammer frags? What else you got? I just started my 18gal back up and it looks so empty. Going to pull a couple pieces from the 150gal later this week to put in the 18.


It is good to know there are other fellow addicts here in georgia. Alma Georgia here. I have just finished filling my 55 gallon reef. Hope to have good growth and maybe in a few months some frags. I am thinking of starting a nano at work. What do you guys think???


Does anyone know anything about the fish store on St Simons Island. Been thinking about going this weekend. Is it worth the trip, I live about and hour away.


New Member
i would love to have some kind of ricordia or even some colorful zoos i have the orange center ones already and of course the green ones too looking for something like pink or red just wanna add some more color to my tank i will get pics up asap just been real busy here and in eveniings been researching what it would take to open small pet store


I didn't know there was a fish store on St Simons until recently. I'm going to check it out this summer when I'm down there. I driven by it so much but never thought that they would actually have real fish! If you go let us know how it is!