anyone from nebraska


i'm from omaha and new to saltwater and was woundering if anyone here from omaha could share some expeirience they have had with their saltwater tank saltwater , questions let me know
don't know what happened with this pic but oh well


where at darknes?? i am in northeast lincoln on 84th and adams
where do you do most of your fish shopping?? at the fish store???? :joy:
also i have a 29 gallon salt tank too


Active Member
I'm northwest at 1st and Adams.
The only store in town I'll buy anything live is the Fish Store. Sometimes I'll buy supplies at *****.
There's a decent place on the outside of Omaha which is nice for corals if you get there at the right time.
I also have a 29 gallon, about 14 months old. Here's a link to some recent pics:
I'm getting ready to switch my CC up for a DSB because of nitrate problems. Do you know anywhere I can get cheap sand?


well i am not sure if it cheap but i have it and really like it in my 29 gallon, it is white sand at the fish store very cool color not live though. and one bag should be good for your tank. it is like 20 bucks
and where is this place outside of omaha???


BTW very nice pics of your tank very similar to mine- i have xenia, and a clownfish thats looks EXACTLY like yours
how do u post pic?? i will show you my tank