Anyone from Northern Wi area


New Member
Any people in Superior or NW Wisconsin interested in getting together in a reef discussion group or something similar in which coral frags may be traded, and the hobby can be furthered. Please contact Dusty.


Ya I'm from upper Wisconsin. North of Ashland which isn't too far from Superior. I'd volly for some kind of reefkeeping group if one should arise in our area.


New Member
Leave me your email address i work in Iron river and go to washburn and bayfield often so this might be a good idea to get one started.


I'm in Colfax and go "north" a couple times a year. I'm a real newbie - no coral yet, but am interested in trying. I've only had my tank a short time and want to be sure it is cycling correctly B4 I add corals!
Last night on the message boards at I found an order pooling group. Search that sight for additional folks to contact in the area. Let me know what develops.


New Member
The only bad thing about that order pooling thing is i have had my name on there for over a year and no one has gotten a hold of me and when i try to contact people in my area they never mail me back! DOH just have to wait and get a Reefers Anonymous Group going up here. If there is any one that lives in this cold ass place.


BTW, great deal you got on that 46 gal bowfront with all the mechanical stuff - I got my setup used for only $700 - of course mine included the LS, the LR, a haitian anemone, a couple of mushshrooms, turbos snails, CBS, blue leg and scarlet hermits, a 4" hippo tang (soon to go to a new home at the LFS), a mandarine goby, and a coral beauty. Also included a 10 gal bare-bones setup for a hospital tank! I doubt that you'd spend $600 on what I got that you didn't..... hum.
I'll drop you an email if I hear from a group ordering from ffexpress.