Anyone from Pittsburgh on here ?


Glad you enjoyed it - I know that when we left the hubby and I just kept saying WOW - that is impressive
that store just blew me away --
They are working on a web site and plan on shipping in the near future as well -
Plus he told me if I am looking for something in particular to call first before I drive there that way it isnt a wasted trip


sounds like a good place.... i'll hafta go check it out this wkend...
i only live like 15 mins tops from that place :D



Originally posted by shiby1510
sounds like a good place.... i'll hafta go check it out this wkend...
i only live like 15 mins tops from that place :D

It is well worth the trip to wet pets that place is truly incredible - they have fish in there that I have never even seen before on any website - Like the Thread Fish - cool looking fish
Very nice quality at all times in that place



Originally posted by Sevenley
They also had some kind of a leaf fish and it really did look like a leaf.
Hey! I want to go back.

He sold it the day i was there to a guy with a 1000 gallon tank --- Can you imagine the size of that tank to have One Thousand Gallons?


I would absolutely love to get a job in a place like that. I would learn SO much and I would be able to care for fish that I would probably never be able to own.
It's so much fun to go there to even see the size of fish they have.
I fell in love with a puffer that they have.