anyone got advice for a true beginner



I am truely a beginner with salt water. I have a 55 gal tank, woth a second nature whisper power filter system. thats it. I am wanting to go probaly with community fish. any reccomendation for anything that i need or would be best for the fish would be very helpful. thanks


First and foremost do a lot of research and understand that this hobby requires a lot of time and money (a good 55 gallon reef tank, could easily set you back $1200 or more, most likely more). Decide if you only want fish or if want a reef aquarium. Also, in my opinion it is best to plan for the future when selecting your equipment. Take into account that eventually you will want a reef tank and/or a bigger tank. You might not want to do this now but trust me if you are like most you will in the future. Also look into getting a few books that will help in your decisions. Remember this as well, what you do now can affect how your tank does for the rest of its life. Not trying to scare you it is just what I have come to expect and learn while in this hobby. I am by no means an expert and have been out of the hobby for about 5 years and am now just getting back into it.
Welcome to the addiction!


The best advice anyone can give for a beginner is to do research. Read, read and read some more. Then make a plan, research equipment and fish you'd like to keep. Make a shopping list and go for it. Let the tank cycle (with a fresh cocktail shrimp) and then stock it up SLOWLY.
A good book is the conscientious marine aquarist or the new marine aquarium. Both good starters. ( I think you can get em both here)
Finally... Take your time. This board is a great resource.


Active Member
1) Read
2) Read
3) Research/price your equipment
4) Read
6) Do not take your LFS at face value
7) Know that this message board will have "all" your answers so ask.
8) Keep on top of water changes
9) Tank size-go with a size you think you want and double it. You will want to upgrade and it will cost you more money
10) Read more
11) Use live sand(LS) not crushed coral(CC)
12) Expect to spend some big bucks
13) Enjoy your hobby, there are many that loose site of this becasue they do not take it slow....
14) Welcome to the hobby....


Pay extra attention to #9 and #12!! Saltwater tanks are a very enjoyable but VERY deep money pit. Once you get hooked every spare(and not spare for that matter) $ you have will go into the tank. Enjoy and good luck!!!


I am also a beginner to the hobby...
BIG MONEY to get started, but it's worth it. I think I might be able to get a critter this weekend!
I love the ocean and everything about how calming and soothing watching a tank can be. I have a pretty stressful job, but as soon as I walk in the door and see my tank, it calms me down.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
1) Read
2) Read
3) Research/price your equipment
4) Read
6) Do not take your LFS at face value
7) Know that this message board will have "all" your answers so ask.
8) Keep on top of water changes
9) Tank size-go with a size you think you want and double it. You will want to upgrade and it will cost you more money
10) Read more
11) Use live sand(LS) not crushed coral(CC)
12) Expect to spend some big bucks
13) Enjoy your hobby, there are many that loose site of this becasue they do not take it slow....
14) Welcome to the hobby....

with the exception of #7 and #11... I TOTALLY AGREE... patience is they key... and remember that your LFS is in business to make money so they will lead you astray and give you partial truth answers to your questions...


Run and run fast and don't look back...................
No just playing this is great just Don't trust the LFS they don't know S...!
and welcome! :jumping:


Active Member
Excellent little list there. The only thing I do not agree with is the neccessity of using live sand. I think aragonite works perfectly fine as well. Other than that, great list!


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
1) Read
2) Read
3) Research/price your equipment
4) Read
6) Do not take your LFS at face value
7) Know that this message board will have "all" your answers so ask.
8) Keep on top of water changes
9) Tank size-go with a size you think you want and double it. You will want to upgrade and it will cost you more money
10) Read more
11) Use live sand(LS) not crushed coral(CC)
12) Expect to spend some big bucks
13) Enjoy your hobby, there are many that loose site of this becasue they do not take it slow....
14) Welcome to the hobby....

Excellent little list there. The only thing I do not agree with is the neccessity of using live sand. I think aragonite works perfectly fine as well. Other than that, great list!


Also remember to have fun!! Take your time.... sure!!! it does cost a bit but that is why you can take your time. Buy the tank...Fill it with saltwater....add live sand and live rock slowley as your wallet permits, however it is best too add all at once so your tank will cycle and wait... and wait... this is your most expensive part.... live rock is costly!!! Anyway when everything turns nasty brown and all looks dead dont lose hope and do 10 % water change and test your water. Now buy a cleaner crew....Hermits and snails and such.... your live rock will now get green algae, but your cleaner crew will love it. Dont worry about the cost because you can add your first fish 8 weeks down the road..... The initial setup is the most expensive...... you dont need to be a scientist to do this... just take your time and have fun.....But do remember to go slow and you will have much success.... read up on setting up a new marine tank and such GO FOR IT AND GOOD LUCK!!!!


What most have said here is pretty well what to look forward to. It is costly but very rewarding. Do as we say and "research everything". I believe you will find that most all of the people here are more than willing to help you. Sometimes there are some conflicting answers but they eventually get worked out. But remember to take is very slow. and most of all remember....PATIENCE, PATIENCE, PATIENCE. Something you can't have too much of. Welcome to the boards and the hobby, I, along with everyone else wishes you the best of luck, So sit back and hang on your going to love it....


Active Member
Most of the stuffs is mentioned above and no need for me to say too much. The only thing I wanna say is everyone above are addicts!!!

This is a money pit, once your in, watch your money fly......I have spent around $3000 on my 55g reef and so far have spent $2500 on my new 90g bowfront RR, it's not even done yet.