Anyone had good experiences with Clown Triggers?


Active Member
I'm glad you have a Blue Hippo Surgeon becuase I have a juvenile Blue Hippo with the eels in the tank I'm putting the Trigger in .. good .. at least I don't have to worry about them .. thanks everyone for all your help .. anyone else have any comments on the Clown trigger .. good or bad?


Since we are talking about Juvenile clown triggers ........ As juveniles they can be great fish, if fed a variety of foods they can even live in reef tanks without touching a thing, small clown triggers live around reefs in the wild.
You see, as this fish matures it will become territorial, the larger the fish the larger the territory. Only time will tell how large of a territory your trigger will require, they can spend much of their day patrolling their territory........ So as juveniles they are great, keeping these triggers in a small glass box as they mature, is another issue.
If you don't mind me asking:
Do you just plan on keeping a juvenile and getting rid of this fish as it matures?
I have seen a few mature clown triggers that were well behaved in tanks over the years and never touched a thing, but the majority ruled and would kill tank mates as they matured because of space and territorial needs.
If you do go this route, Keep this trigger well fed, offer the space that it needs and see where it takes you. Believe me this is one trigger I would love to have and no matter how much I read about it over the years, I am still not brave enough to risk it.


Active Member
I plan on keeping him it till he gets about 6 inches .. do you think he will override my tank by then .. my reason for getting a juvenile is that I was hoping he would grow up with the other fish and not kill them ..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jam1e
I plan on keeping him it till he gets about 6 inches .. do you think he will override my tank by then .. my reason for getting a juvenile is that I was hoping he would grow up with the other fish and not kill them ..
what size tank are you planning on putting him in? and i don't know if i would trust him with corals either no matter how big they are! i do have to say the trigger didnt bother mushrooms or zoos when i had him


Active Member
I'm not putting any coral in the tank it's a 90 gallon FOWLR .. and right now I have about 110 lbs of live rock and plan on getting more .. and since my tank is so small for a clown trigger I was wondering how soon you think I should take him out .. meaning trade him in at my lfs .. the owner of the shop said that I could trade him in for store credit when he gets too big for my tank .. we already talked about it .. what do you think?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rs1831
ask grumpygils, he probably has 3 in his 20...
.. that's the funniest thing i've heard in a long time but so true

man ... I feel sorry for grumpygills fish .. hopefully he'll learn eventually ..
but anyway .. back to clown triggers


Active Member
One of the judges that used to work the shows I'd enter had one for 15 years or so in his own 150. The thing would eat out of his hand. One day he dropped his net in the water , reached in to grap it and the trigger bit his arm off. Well not all the way off but he got a complete piece of the bone between his elbow and wrist. He totally missed the tendons but the guy had to have steel rods put in.


Active Member
yeah i think I read that you put that in another of my threads .. that's crazy .. hopefully he won't bite my arm off .. dang