anyone has pink tail trigger or queen angel


Has anyone has pink tail trigger before. are they aggressive and reef safe. I am considering one and my source say it is a relatively peaceful fish and would not eat shrimps and corals. I have a 150 semi reef with the following fishes. 2 clowns, 1 blue hippo tang, 1 orange shoulder tang, 1 purple tang, 1 dwaft lion and 1 goby. and they are all medium size. I am thinking of adding a queen angel and the pink tail trigger. I also has a few clams and xenia. will the angel or trigger eat any of those things.


I had a pink tail once for all of 1 week, they are REALLY shy and bullied by other inhabitants. I think your tangs will be too much for it. These triggers should be one of the first inhabitants in my opinion. Besides, I wouldnt trust ANY trigger with shrimps for long.


thanks for the info. my tangs are pretty small. so I don't think that will be a problem. but regarding the shrimps. I was thinking the same thing. but really don't want to lose them.
ANYONE ELSE? How about the angels


not my experience with the pinktail. my pinktail was great. it wasn't afraid of anything and never picked on anything either. i ended up giving him to one of my friends for 70 bucks cause he really wanted it and i bought a queen which i've had for a long time. queens are even better but they will destroy any soft corals, polyps, or zoos that you have. the pinktail in my friends tank is still alive as well but i wouldn't trust it with inverts like shrimps, hermits and snails they'd be fine with though but shrimps are triggers dessert. the queen will be ok with all motile inverts including shrimps.


New Member
I've had a pink tail for a week now and he's only afraid of one fish and he's starting to stand up to him is my harlequin tusk. I can hand feed the trigger, couple times he bit me missing the food I was holding. :) I have a regal tang and he nipped the trigger's tail and trigger turned around and took an aggressive posture. The regal dosent bother him anymore.
I had a blue throat and he was shy. Two weeks later he was dead. I think the tang whacked him. :(