Anyone have a 90 Gallon?


Just fine. The puffer has been in there for at least a year or more and has never tried to eat them. If food was floating by them, she waits for them to move before she eats.


Active Member
Was just trying to size up the clowns with the puffer..Tank either looks small, or fish and anemone are really big


and once you put things in it does look small. Looked bigger empty. Should have bought a BIGGER tank. I think my next one will be 210 and I will use my empty 55 for a sump.


Active Member
I have that same tank .. that's assuming that it's the All-Glass version of a 90 gallon with the glass lid .. and yeah .. it looks a lot bigger empty .. but looking at my tank and looking at yours that puffer must be pretty big .. that thing is bigger than my volitan .haha .. but yeah .. i like my 210 gallon .. I'd be frustrated with my 90's size if I didn't have it