Anyone have a clue PLS?


Hey guys i just had all my fish die about a week ago, i did a 20gal water change (120gal tank) and i asked the lfs and on here and i think that it could have been a perisite, or a sea apple. All my fish died (8) I did have a sea apple but after the fish died i got ride of it. Then i waited a day or 2 and just added a maroon clown that i got from the lfs for free. I did notice that on the inside glass of my tank there are lots of little white things hanging on? I dunno how to describe it, so i scraped the inside of the tank to get the alge and those little white things off. And i came back later 2day and notice that some of the whit spots are back on the side of the tank. And i look at the maroon clown and he seems to be breathing a little more than i thought he was before. The temp is at 79 sal is 1.024 ph 8.0 amm0 nitrate0 nitrite0 do u think that those white spots could be a gill perisite? I dunno what to do since the lfs is now closed and my Qt was just set up like 3days ago. Is there any ideas on what it is or what i can do? Any info would really help right now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zimonie
Hey guys i just had all my fish die about a week ago, i did a 20gal water change (120gal tank) and i asked the lfs and on here and i think that it could have been a perisite, or a sea apple. All my fish died (8) I did have a sea apple but after the fish died i got ride of it. Then i waited a day or 2 and just added a maroon clown that i got from the lfs for free. I did notice that on the inside glass of my tank there are lots of little white things hanging on? I dunno how to describe it, so i scraped the inside of the tank to get the alge and those little white things off. And i came back later 2day and notice that some of the whit spots are back on the side of the tank. And i look at the maroon clown and he seems to be breathing a little more than i thought he was before. The temp is at 79 sal is 1.024 ph 8.0 amm0 nitrate0 nitrite0 do u think that those white spots could be a gill perisite? I dunno what to do since the lfs is now closed and my Qt was just set up like 3days ago. Is there any ideas on what it is or what i can do? Any info would really help right now.
How long has the tank been set up in general?


Active Member
the little white things are probably hydroid jellyfish, and aren't an issue.
there's something else that happened to your tank, are you the only one near it? do you do your own tests? did you stir up your sand bed?
what equipment do you have on it, including powerheads, skimmer, other filtration?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zimonie
Hey guys i just had all my fish die about a week ago, i did a 20gal water change (120gal tank) and i asked the lfs and on here and i think that it could have been a perisite, or a sea apple. All my fish died (8) I did have a sea apple but after the fish died i got ride of it. Then i waited a day or 2 and just added a maroon clown that i got from the lfs for free. I did notice that on the inside glass of my tank there are lots of little white things hanging on? I dunno how to describe it, so i scraped the inside of the tank to get the alge and those little white things off. And i came back later 2day and notice that some of the whit spots are back on the side of the tank. And i look at the maroon clown and he seems to be breathing a little more than i thought he was before. The temp is at 79 sal is 1.024 ph 8.0 amm0 nitrate0 nitrite0 do u think that those white spots could be a gill perisite? I dunno what to do since the lfs is now closed and my Qt was just set up like 3days ago. Is there any ideas on what it is or what i can do? Any info would really help right now.
I am not disease authority, but it sounds like ich, but that sounds too easy. Search the disease thread and see if you see any pics that look like your problem. Hypo is the best way as you probably know. Hypo can treat several different diseases too.
Good Luck


i am the only one that messes wit my tank no touches it. I havent stured up the sand bed except the little that i did to move some rocks around, but that was like weeks ago. And i do also do my own test, and once and a while i take a sample to lfs just to ease my mind, and they were always both the same. The powerheads i have are 3 Aqua Clear model 30 powerheads. (they move in a circular motion) The filtration is a Mega Flow model 4 sump, with a blue and whit pad, then goes threw some bio balls, and then i have some rock to help alittle. The skimmer i cant remember what model it is. I will try to look that up. i have a 9w coralife UV sterilizer, and then i have the 2 pumps to feed the tank wit water and the pump that feeds the sterilizer and the skimmer.


hey grump thanks for your input i searched there and dident see anything. What is so weird is the night before they where swimming like normal, that is y i talked to some lfs and people seem to think that it was a gill perisite. But i dunno what to think now, im just woryied about the maroon clown if it is a perisite.


Ich is not visible unless it is attatched to the fish. Do you have lr or snails? It could be snail eggs or pods from the rock. Do you have a picture of them? I don't know of any parasite that is large enough to see, is white, and hangs out on the glass. I would not worry about what you see on the glass. I am concerned about how the other fish died and how quickly you added a new fish. Do you know for certain how the others died?


i am not for sure for sure but its got to be a perisite or the sea apple. I took the sea apple out and am trying a test fish to see how it goes. If the test fish dies then im leaning more towards a parisite. Hopeing this trial and error works. My lfs guy seems to think it was the sea apple, since he used to have some and then thats what killed all his fish in the same matter that mine did. But he could be wrong and thats why i am worried about the parisites. I have no idea what else it could possiby be. And ya i do have LF and sanils i seen some really little snails crawling around my tank, but these new ones dont have shells.


Originally Posted by Zimonie
i am not for sure for sure but its got to be a perisite or the sea apple. I took the sea apple out and am trying a test fish to see how it goes. If the test fish dies then im leaning more towards a parisite. Hopeing this trial and error works. My lfs guy seems to think it was the sea apple, since he used to have some and then thats what killed all his fish in the same matter that mine did. But he could be wrong and thats why i am worried about the parisites. I have no idea what else it could possiby be. And ya i do have LF and sanils i seen some really little snails crawling around my tank, but these new ones dont have shells.
I get small white things on my glass all of the time. Take a magnifying glass and look at your fish's body and gills. Gill flukes are easy to see, they are worms. You would be able to spot a parasite quite easily on the fish. Did you do a large water change after you got rid of the sea apple? There may be some toxins left in the water.