Anyone have a coralife needle-wheel skimmer?


Originally Posted by joncat24
take the plastic out
good, thanks thats what i did. I like it much better than that box! It does seem to have bigger bubbles come out of it. Is that ok? I am still working on getting the skimmer adjusted. I got it so the needlewheel adjustment is straight up and down now i am trying to get the flow knob ajusted properly. any suggests on setting it? I am not sure where to have the water level.


Hi folks,
A comment, than a question:
According to the setup, you want the bubbles "brewing" just before the cup collection cone. After 24-48 hours, you want bubbles "just" entering the bottom of the collection cup cone.
QUESTION: I just set this up according to directions as a hang-on the back skimmer - I'm getting a ton of microbubbles back into the production diffuser, and they are escaping into the tank. WILL THIS SUBSIDE after the skimmer is actually broken in? If not, I gotta a LOT of bubbles...


Could someone please take a picture of the Mag pre-filter on the end of the flexible tubing, vs. using the diffuser box that comes with the Super Skimmer? I have my skimmer on the tank itself, and if I can get rid of the stupid black box, I'd love to....


New Member
I'm so glad this is posted because I just bought one and couldn't fit both the pump and filter in the sump. If I could lower the pump to 4" instead of the recommended 3", it would fit. But now I'll just get the Mag cover....what a simple solution. Thank you so much. Now hopefully, I won't have as much trouble getting mine set.


Member It was 6.99 plus shipping . probably not the cheapest place but it showed a picture of it so i knew it was what i needed by the picture and they took paypal so i don't need to use my credit card which is a plus!!


Originally Posted by stieger
I'm getting a ton of microbubbles back into the production diffuser, and they are escaping into the tank. WILL THIS SUBSIDE after the skimmer is actually broken in? If not, I gotta a LOT of bubbles...

i am having the same problem. all the bubbles are coming back in my tank and the black box is overflowing. either the water isn't high enough in my skimmer, or the water is overflowing the black box. and bubbles are going everywhere. so much, i have just turned it off. please help!!!


Originally Posted by gmford1979
are you using that round one thats 6.99?
just put the flexible tubing down in it??
yes that is the one i am using and yes just putting the hose in it


The manual for the skimmer says after it breaks in the bubbles going into the tank will subside. However, it sounds like the folks who are getting the mag drive pre-filter have had there's setup for quite some time (AM I CORRECT?) so the micro-bubbles simply going away doesn't sound like it's simply part of the break-in period.
Folks who have had this skimmer setup a while, are you still getting microbubbles, and hence the reason why you're getting the pre-filter?


I only had mine set up for about a week. the micro bubbles have cut down but i am still getting them. I think my skimmer is still breaking in so i am giving it more time.
I got the mag filter because the black box kept over flowing and it was big bulky and really didn't think it help with the bubbles. The mag prefilter takes up less room and i still get micro bubbles (not as much, like i said i think it is still breaking in) but it does give off bigger ones (not that much). I just thought the black box over flowing was rediculous and wasn't helping much so i figured it couldn't hurt to use the pre filter

I have notice a clarity in the water


mine worked flawlessly for about one week. no bubbles or anything. and then one morning i woke up and the damn thing was shooting bubbles everywhere.
i am going to turn it back on when i get that Mag filter in the mail. its supposed to be here Monday


anybody with a picture of the mag pre-filter on the end of the skimmer output tube? I'd like to try a home remedy first if possible - still getting tons of bubbles in the tank with that stupid "diffuser box." Makes me wonder if they even tested/tried the box before they threw it in the box...
How does the other super skimmer perform - not the needle wheel - do they give off as many bubbles into the tank?


Hey folks,
Ok, being the "creative" type that I am, I think I'm going to build a "hang-on" refugium that the skimmer output tube will flow into. The trick is ensuring the hang-on refugium doesn't overflow, and the output back to the tank works correctly.
Anybody done this already? May as well kill two birds with one stone - build an additional "filter" + get rid of those stupid bubbles...
Any thoughts?


New Member
Originally Posted by stieger
Hey folks,
Ok, being the "creative" type that I am, I think I'm going to build a "hang-on" refugium that the skimmer output tube will flow into. The trick is ensuring the hang-on refugium doesn't overflow, and the output back to the tank works correctly.
Anybody done this already? May as well kill two birds with one stone - build an additional "filter" + get rid of those stupid bubbles...
Any thoughts?
When discussing this possiblility with others on another site, the main problem is always that the flow rates of two pumps never match up. (my idea was the skimmer sucking the water into the rufugium without using the overflow) If you have an overflow going into the refugium with the skimmer flowing back in, that will take care of the flow but not the bubble problem. Also, you will lose alot of refugium space for a smaller hang on with the skimmer being in the rufugium. I put mine under the tank and will use gravity overflow.

I didn't realize but the Mag filters are available in any Home and Garden that sells pond supplies.


Hi folks,
Ok, I've had this ridiculous skimmer running for 3 days now, and it does nothing but make pretty bubbles all over my tank.
Can someone please confirm if the mag drive pre-filter truly cuts all the bubbles from the display tank? If so, I'll keep it, otherwise it's going back and I'll stick with my SeaClone...
Please, somebody take a picture of the skimmer with the pre-filter attached - and let us know if it cuts the bubbles to -0- or if you still get bubbles in the DT...


New Member
Here's every link I have on the Coralife Super Skimmers:
You'll see all the pictures you should need for the output filter.
This skimmer is one persnickety piece of equipment. Water level in your tank needs to be constant or you will have continual issues. Your output tube should be above the water line (about 1/4" is fine generally). Note your setting on the red output/water level control. I count the "ticks" from the little "drop" (and how they relate to the black "tick" on the main pipe) and I soon found out what point to never pass. Mine had the tendency to go nuts overnight - this was after several hours of no bubble overflow - so I figured I better turn it up before going to bed. BAD IDEA. Find your magic spot and avoid the urge to turn it up.
Another very important thing is to have the pump no more than 2" below the water line. I did a mod (added 3 layers of Gutter Guard to my impeller wheel after cutting two rows of needles off) to my Ocean Runner 2700 pump (pump that came with my skimmer had a sizeable piece of plastic missing and it spewed bubbles from there and all around the housing - so I replaced it). This mod caused such an increase in bubbles (and water flow unfortunately) that I had to put a valve between the pump and the skimmer. Since that lowered my pump significantly, I put a 90 degree fitting and a piece of pipe on my pump intake so that I draw water from 1/2" below the waterline. That helped alot.
Another thing, my tank is fish only - with just some live rock rubble for now - hoping to seed my 100 lbs of base rock from it and my live sand. If your bio load is low you're just not going to get a ton of skimmate. Be patient - fight the tendency to keep increasing the level with your adjustment knob.
Hope that helps.


ok had this up an running for just about a month now. i put the mag 7 pre-filter on instead of that dumb box and it works very well. I have noticed the tank is much clearer. i do get some micro bubbles now and then but it ususally seems to coninside with something i had added and then they are gone. I am happy with it. and it seems the new fish i added are too!