Anyone have a coralife skimmer??


Well, I am about to throw this skimmer out the window! After two hours of being patient, my patience has worn thin. I know I am doing something wrong.
If anyone has this skimmer, working as a hang on the tank, please let me know what I am doing wrong. I can't get it to work right.
I flooded my carpet in the beginning.... help!!! :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by BorgataGal
Well, I am about to throw this skimmer out the window! After two hours of being patient, my patience has worn thin. I know I am doing something wrong.
If anyone has this skimmer, working as a hang on the tank, please let me know what I am doing wrong. I can't get it to work right.
I flooded my carpet in the beginning.... help!!! :scared:

I have one. What is it doing?


Active Member
We have a coralife skimmer and it works excellent
. Yep, that happened to us too. If it is new, you have to let it break-in, ours took a couple days w/ the red knob turned all the way down to work properly!! If this is the case w/ you just keep it turned down, and if it doesnt work, hook up a hose to where the overflow on the collection cup is and let it go into a bucket.
How old is the skimmer, and what model do you have?


Active Member
Mine works excellent also, but I remember reading something on here awhile back about some of the coralifes being sent out with the wrong directions. Try to search for it on here.


Active Member
Okay I found it. IDK know how to post a thread link so if you search for "coralife wrong directions" it should be the first one that comes up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Mine works excellent also, but I remember reading something on here awhile back about some of the coralifes being sent out with the wrong directions. Try to search for it on here.
i agree that they wrong directions. the directions are HORRIBLE. we have owned two, and the first one was a NIGHTMARE :mad: :mad: . thank god we had experience w/ the same skimmer w/ our second one!! However, if it is a brand new skimmer, its gonna act funny, it just needs time to break in


It is brand new and is the 65 gallon model.
Does the red knob have to be fully open? I did this and overflowed the cup on top and flooded my new carpet. Needless to say,, I was saying some select words!
Give me some hints on what do do with the flow knob in the tank???


On the directions it says to keep the red water flow knob fully open, is this true?
Another dumb question... what happens when the cup fills if I am at work and floods over? Obviously I am missing the boat on this one.


Active Member
The directions for the skimmer sucks. You need to do it by trial and error while it is breaking in, it could take up to a week. Like I said, we've had 2 and the first one was a nightmare trying to adjust. Don't leave the red knob all the way open b/c you will have another flood. If you have to, keep it almost all the way closed. You want the crud in the collection cup to be very dark. When we first got it, the water just looked dirty, not very dark like it's suppose to. On the collection cup, there should be an over flow on the bottom or side that you probably have plugged, attach a hose to it, and let it drain into a bucket. This is your best bet to keep it from ruining your carpet...again.


Active Member
ONly open up the valve as much as is needed to get the top of the bubbles in the reaction column about 1" above red retaining ring that holds collection cup on. After its broken in (perhaps a week or so) then play around making final adjustments with red knob. Make sure outlow tube is positioned at or above tank high water level, and pump is 3" or less under the water.....higher up is best, and I now run my coralifes up so high they create a sort of vortex from the surface so they also skim film from surface, and keep it clean as well..Once broken in and height is adjusted, then adjust for either a wet or dry skimtimate, usuing the red knob. If your having to empty the cup a couple of times daily you have it set up and adjusted wrong....It should easily last a day or two or even longer between emptying.

jonny bolt

I have the same model, and couldnt be any happier with it. I dont think its the product that is the problem,it's usually user error that is causing the problem. If you bought it recently, you should have gotten the new model, which includeds the new directions, and a new red knob (see pic below).
New instruction manual...

New red knob...see the 5 circles on the top? The older model did not have these, and it would leak.

Did you do steps 4 and 5 correctly? If so, and it still overflowed, then you need start with the red knob in closed position, then slowly turn the knob until bubbles are a little bit above the red retaining ring.

And your Debris Strainer should be about 3" down from the top of the water line.

(If its too high you will get too much air, if its too low you will get too much water.)
I spent hours tinkering with mine when it got it. I also overflowed mine a little the first time I let it rip. My install was even more of a pain because my tank was already setup and I did not have enough clearance between the wall and the back of the tank, so I had to mount mine on the side. It works great, you just have to mess with it.



I can not thank you enough for your advice and understanding. I know this is a good skimmer and I didn't want to give up on getting this thing working correctly.
I will again spend my evening attempting to get it going and let you know how I make out.
Again,, thanks for the pics too!

jonny bolt

No problemo. I also forgot to mention that its best to have the lip of the Bubble diffusion box about 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch out of the water. Ofcourse your water level will change due to evaporation, but keeping the lip of the box above water about that much will be good.


I just threw my corlife super skimmer out the window yesterday. What the biggest piece of junk.

I just went out and bought the Aqua Clear 150 and WOW what a difference. Starting taking the junk out with in about 3 hours. So much happier with this skimmer
. Only one adjustment. Not about 4 with the corlife.
My suggestion with the corlife super (piece of garbage) once I had it adjusted correctly ( so I thought) water all over the floor, or the bubbles would stop, or the bubble trap would over flow and there was to much water noise. :mad: I only had mine for about 4 months
I would not recommend the corlife to anyone!!

jonny bolt

Obviously you had no idea what you were doing and/or you dont know how to read directions and/or you have no patience.
I dont can you not recommend something just because you couldnt get it to work right? It wasnt the product that was the problem. I think a better opinion and more proper addition to this thread would be that you wouldnt recommend yourself to set up Coralife Super Skimmers lol.


Originally Posted by Jonny Bolt
Obviously you had no idea what you were doing and/or you dont know how to read directions and/or you have no patience.
I dont can you not recommend something just because you couldnt get it to work right? It wasnt the product that was the problem. I think a better opinion and more proper addition to this thread would be that you wouldnt recommend yourself to set up Coralife Super Skimmers lol.

I'm sorry I don't remember seeing you there when I was installing it nor reading the directions over and over. By the way I did read the directions and they are garbage just like the skimmer!!!!!

I just tell it like it is, Even friends of mine agree with me that have been doing this a lot longer than I have all it is is a big paper weight. Yes the product is the real big problem big piece of junk like I said earlier........
Sorry I just had to state the facts!!!!!!!!!!!!

jonny bolt

"na-na". what are you, 11?
Sorry, but the only thing worthless is your posts. Someone posted asking for HELP, not for useless banter and silly "stick-out-your-tongue" antics. Grow up. And if you dont have any help to offer, dont ---- peoples threads.
Obviously you cannot offer any help to the person who started this thread, because you yourself couldnt get a skimmer working lol. This is so silly can you say the skimmer is "trash", when you couldnt even get the thing working LMFAO!!! You never even saw it perform HAHAHAHAHAAA. You only have opinions to offer, no HELP. And we all know what opinions are like.......
Where's the "Iggy" button for fools that offer no help?


Originally Posted by Jonny Bolt
"na-na". what are you, 11?
Sorry, but the only thing worthless is your posts. Someone posted asking for HELP, not for useless banter and silly "stick-out-your-tongue" antics. Grow up. And if you dont have any help to offer, dont ---- peoples threads.
Obviously you cannot offer any help to the person who started this thread, because you yourself couldnt get a skimmer working lol. This is so silly can you say the skimmer is "trash", when you couldnt even get the thing working LMFAO!!! You never even saw it perform HAHAHAHAHAAA. You only have opinions to offer, no HELP. And we all know what opinions are like.......
Where's the "Iggy" button for fools that offer no help?
Sorry there KID I am older than you, you should look at the member's BIO before you stage an age!
I believe this is a place to state your options the owner of this post stated that
"Well, I am about to throw this skimmer out the window! After two hours of being patient, my patience has worn thin" and I was just agreeing with him to go ahead and throw it out the window. My opinion is valid any where, we live a free country. Look at the post that you blasted me. Remember I was not the one that stated "Obviously you had no idea what you were doing and/or you don't know how to read directions and/or you have no patience"
You are the one that is the child... YOU SHOULD NOT JUMP ON SOMEONE'S BACK FOR


Active Member
The coralife skimmers have an excellent rep on here, as do the aqua c remoras. They are recommended all the time. I have the coralife and it works great, just took some adjusting in the beginning like most skimmers do.

jonny bolt

Originally Posted by drf0524
Sorry there KID I am older than you, you should look at the member's BIO before you stage an age!
I believe this is a place to state your options the owner of this post stated that
"Well, I am about to throw this skimmer out the window! After two hours of being patient, my patience has worn thin" and I was just agreeing with him to go ahead and throw it out the window. My opinion is valid any where, we live a free country. Look at the post that you blasted me. Remember I was not the one that stated "Obviously you had no idea what you were doing and/or you don't know how to read directions and/or you have no patience"
You are the one that is the child... YOU SHOULD NOT JUMP ON SOMEONE'S BACK FOR
Still no help for BorgataGal from the Peanut Gallery