Anyone have a Filamented Wrasse?


I am trading in my Coral Beauty- he is aggressive towards firefish goby. I was thinking of getting a Filamented Wrasse. Anything good about getting them? Bad? Get along w/my tank? Snails/shrimp Thanks!


Well-Known Member
IIRC they are very similar to Carpenter and McCosker flasher wrasses in terms of activity and which case, you're looking at a very laid back fish that doesn't get big enough to bother most ornamental shrimp, and will not act overly aggressive towards your Firefish. I would recommend it.


Are you absolutely sure he won't bother Goby?- that is a very important fish to me. Thank you, another question if you don't mind. My black ocellaris, she is way tooo aggressive, I'm tired of it, tomorrow I would like to trade her in for a normal orange ocellaris. However, would I have to get one smaller than my current orange one? Will there be aggression b/c his buddies gone?


Originally Posted by lilclowns http:///t/392419/anyone-have-a-filamented-wrasse#post_3484328
Are you absolutely sure he won't bother Goby?- that is a very important fish to me. Thank you, another question if you don't mind. My black ocellaris, she is way tooo aggressive, I'm tired of it, tomorrow I would like to trade her in for a normal orange ocellaris. However, would I have to get one smaller than my current orange one? Will there be aggression b/c his buddies gone?
This fish dosen't really attack any fish


Don't trade in your black clown for an orange just for aggression. It has nothing to do with color. I have two orange clowns and I can't even stick my hand in the tank to clean it without them attacking me. They have killed any fish I've put in the tank with them except for an equally aggressive 6 line wrasse.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bender77 http:///t/392419/anyone-have-a-filamented-wrasse#post_3484359
Don't trade in your black clown for an orange just for aggression. It has nothing to do with color. I have two orange clowns and I can't even stick my hand in the tank to clean it without them attacking me. They have killed any fish I've put in the tank with them except for an equally aggressive 6 line wrasse.
Agreed. Ounce for ounce, clowns are almost as aggressive as most damsels....which should not be surprising, considering that clownfish are just damsels in a fancy suit. Having done the clownfish routine once in my tanks, I am happy to say that I'm living a clown-free life right now.