Anyone have a foxface lo?

salt nate

I want to get one for my reef and have heard that they usually dont bother stuff, but some might. Does anyone have experience with them?


Active Member
Mine never really touched anything...unless it was covered in algae. Sometimes you will see teeth scratchings on your coralline. When I fed the tubstrea mysis I would have to cover it with a half bottle or he would steal the food and take chunks of the coral my mistake. By far one of my favs. I'd have no problem with putting one in a reef.


Active Member
I have had three in my 29 gallon biocube. I bought them at 1.5-2" and traded them in at 3-3.5". The specific purpose was to deal with a Caulerpa Algae problem. They worked wonderfully and have not had one now for about a month and don't see any sign of the Caulerpa returning.....yet......
They are IME a perfect addition to a reef tank. Voracious algae eaters so you must supplement their diet with Nori sheets. They eat just about any food offered and I did not once see any aggression to my other inhabitants. They do require a large tank for long term though as the potentially get to 8".

salt nate

Cranberry...whats tubstrea mysis?
Also, I have green hair algae starting to pop up all over my tank...will they eat this?
I am going to my lfs now to get him!!!!!!!! I will post pics tonite


mine never eats anything he shouldn't. He is about 5" long. He will not touch hair algae which is why I got him in first place. But I liked him so I kept him. I have been told rabbitfish will eat HA but the foxface will not touch it. I don't know.


My one spot has not bothered any corals but destroyed my feather dusters.


Active Member
i love my foxface.i added 60 lbs more lr yesterday and he had a fielfday picking on the algea.he never touches any corals.
get ne a little nervious when i put the seaweed on the clip.
when i used to put my hand in the tank to get the clip ,him and my purple tang used to hide ,now i cannot barely get my hand in there and they are bumping into me.
Mine is a perfect Reef Citizen. Has not bothered any of my coral in my tank, but every fish has his own personality. He used to go after my algae sheets, now he just grazes on the maco algae in the tank. However,my rose pincushion urchin will mow down the algae sheets.


Great looking foxface.
Mine has been a great addition to my reef tank. Never bothers anything. He will keep hair algae in check as long as it is short. If it grows very long he will not have anything to do with it. Once you get it under control he will help keep it that way though. Congratulations on the new fish.

salt nate

great! (about the hair algae, cause Im begginning to have a problem with it)
I saw him picking at it today! Im not gonna give him seaweed sheets until he picks all the rocks clean!