Anyone have a lunar wrasse?


they can be mean. they will pick on or eat smaller fish, they will eat inverts like hermits, starfish, shrimps and will harass new additions to the tank. you would have to keep them with fish bigger than itself which so far you probably have accomplished. they are fascinating and do nothing but swim like the energizer bunny they just keep going and goin....

joe 09

i have one in a 175 bow,he is great.he gets along with all the other fish and is always swimming around.


Active Member
IME, not a pleasant fish. Very very active at times. I worked with one that would eat the eyes out of any yellow tang put it with it...and one after the other. Hit or miss, IMO.


Active Member
i would like a wrasse that would pick at rays eyes, i will be housing a ray in my 125gal for about a year, my friend just got a 180gal and will be giving the ray to him when his tank is a set up proper