Anyone have a magdrive pump?

steven's un

I use a mag drive 7 from sump to tank. Im having some serious heat issues and I've decided that its the pump. Is anyone having similar heat issues?????
For experimental purposes, I didn't turn on my lights for a few days and unplugged my heater(and skimmer pump). Still, with all these unplugged, my temp was at 84 while the room temp was only at 76-77. I thought that taking the pump out of the water would help, but that had little effect. Could this be my pump causing this much heat? It seems almost impossible, but this has to be the source.
What kind of pump could I buy that runs significantly cooler that the magdrive?
:mad: :help:
:mad: :help:


Staff member
I use mag drive and really haven't had a problem. What are using to measure temp?

steven's un

I have an aquarium thermometer. I went out and bought another thermometer to compare temperature and both had the same.

nm reef

Active Member
I certainly hope I don't get heat issues from the Magdrive 1200 & Magdrive 1800 sitting in my sump...the 1800 returns direct to my display and the 1200 has 2 returns going to my refugium with a third going to the display. In the late afternoon with a pair of 400 watt MH's & a pair of 48" VHO's my heat gets around 82-83...if the Magdrives generated much heat at all more than I already have I'd be cooking some coral/shrimp/fish...I'm convinced the MH's have increased my temps way more then the return pumps do.I keep the room temp around 78 degrees and have a few fans to exhaust heat....

steven's un

This heat situation is really becoming frustrating. At first I assumed that the heat was caused by my vhos, but after leaving them off for days, the temp. still was at 84. It could be nothing else but the magdrive. Beth, how do you have your's set up?

nm reef

Active Member
Just curious...but how much air ventalation / circulation do you have. Also...water circulation that disturbs the surface will help disapate heat. I'm just wondering if other things may contribute to your heat issues. I have a fan blowing across the open sump area...2 seperate 4" exhaust fans mounted in the canopy...and a floor stand near the display that helps cool things some decent turbelance on the water surface of the display. It just seems to me if the Magdrives were causing near as much heat as the one you have then I'd have serious heat issues...the temp in my display will approach 82-83 after the MH's being on for 5-6 hours...but after the MH's go off around 6:00pm the temp will drop down to 77-78 by with a Magdrive 1200 & a 1800 they don't adversely affect my temp much at all.


Active Member
Do you run the mag 7 internally or externally? I use a mag 7 for water transfers in and out from fresh to mixing barrel, then on to the sumps...i also use the same mag 7 to circulate newly mixed saltwater (all a matter of proper valve placement)...anyways, when it is on for a gets very is mag 18 I have for one of my skimmers is within the doesnt feel any different then the water...nor have i noticed any increase in water temp...maybe it is something with the mag 7...


Staff member
My mag is right in the tank! Its attached to a skimmer. I do have a lot of PH circulation in that tank, and a good deal of ciculation around the pump. I also have 2 fans in the canopy. Tank runs around 80 degrees.
I know this is an expensive option, but you can always go chiller.


Active Member
Before you go out and buy a new pump or chiller...How about a good cleaning on the old pumpa'roo...
Heat tends to attract calcium, powerheads and the "internals" of your pump...This buildup can cause friction/binding which in turn causes more heat to build up which attracts more calcium, ect...etc...
I'm thinking this "may be" the cause of the "heat" issues many people experiance when running Mags "external...Running them submersed, the water dissapates the heat, which lessens the buildup,ect..etc..


Active Member
I made 35 gal of water last week. I threw one of my Mag 12's in there Friday to mix it up a little better, Saturday the temp was well over 100 degrees. I took out the Mag and left one of my old MJ1200's in there to mix it. Sunday the temp was 79.7......


Active Member
Wow Mark - 100 degrees - thank God that wasn't in your system! I have heard of some heat issues with some people. I have always had good luck with the Magdrive pumps. As we speak, I have a Mag7, 2 -Mag 5's and a Mag 2 on my CA Reactor all running simultaneously with no problems. The Mag 7 & 1 Mag 5 have been running non-stop for over a year and a half. I guess it depends on the unit you get?


Active Member

Originally posted by attml
Wow Mark - 100 degrees - thank God that wasn't in your system! I have heard of some heat issues with some people. I have always had good luck with the Magdrive pumps. As we speak, I have a Mag7, 2 -Mag 5's and a Mag 2 on my CA Reactor all running simultaneously with no problems. The Mag 7 & 1 Mag 5 have been running non-stop for over a year and a half. I guess it depends on the unit you get?

The Mag 2 or 3 I use for my Ca reactor is the only good Mag pump I've ever used. I have two 12's and the 23 plus I had a Mag 7 on my old ETSS skimmer. I hate these pumps. The 7 and two 12's always stick when the power is cut. I use one 12 for sump return. It doesn't heat up my tank because there's so much water (190 gals) I just cleaned both 12's a few weeks ago, when I did my water change yesterday I had to slap the pump around to get it started back up.
FWIW, I used both mag 12's on my old 150 as sump return, they didn't heat up that tank either, at least so you would notice. The 1200 watt's of MH's did a much better job heating the tank.


Active Member
I had to slap the pump around to get it started back up.
I believe it was Ben Franklin who said "A women like a fine Mag Drive Pump should be slapped once daily"

That stinks!!! What are you using?

steven's un

Sorry I couldn't respond earlier. I took it apart and it was spotless. I dont understand the heat either. I have had the pump for over a year and i never remember this heat. I broke the thermometer today so im going to wait to monitor the heat until I get another one. I dont have any canopy fans, but im definitely getting some soon. Would the fans cool the water even if some of the heat is generated by something other than the lights?


Staff member
Mags are pretty noisy and tend to have breakdown issues like RIOS. Keep hoping Aquariam Systems will make a mega maxi...will definately put the mag to rest then. My mag is covered in algae and cryno, and still no real heat problems.