Anyone have a non-working Squid?


what are you gona do with a broken squid
i have two of them but they are new in the box was just wondering what you were doing.
sorry my Curiosity got to me.
thank you


Going to take the internal gear work and propellar out and mod them into 2" pvc to make my own squid with a clean out on top as well. be 1 1/2" going into the squid and 1" out reduced to 3/4" at my bulkhead for the return!


New Member

Originally Posted by donald
Sorry to hi jack but how does a squid work? I've always wondered. again sorry
SCWD Wavemaker - Switching Current Water Director (Squid)

The SCWD (pronounced "squid") is a revolutionary device designed to provide alternating currents without the use of electricty. The SCWD mounts inline with 3/4" tubing, the two ports alternate the output, the bottom port is the input. A great alternative to expensive electronic ball valves. The SCWD will run on any pump with a minimum output of 50 GPH and a maximum output of 1400. The switching speed and current duration is dependent on the volume of water flowing through the SCWD. You can control the duration by controlling the flow going through the SCWD. Can be submersed for use with large power heads or used externally.
SCWD is regarded by industry experts as the most energy efficient wave-making product on the market. It replicates nature by generating alternating currents within a tank or pond. These currents stimulate coral, fish, and plant growth and keep other aquatic life healthy because of the tank or pond? increased water currents and oxygenation.
The above description was from ***********.com