anyone have a purpleback pseudochromis?


Active Member
What is it's temperament? I'm thinking of getting one but it would be going in with seahorses so I really need info on it-I know pseudos can be mean and I definetly don't want to put something like that in with horses.


Ihave one and i love him. I don't know about putting it with seahorses though. Mine is with 2 clownfish, lawnmower blenny, blue/green chromis and at feeding time he kinda nips at the other to get food.Other than feeding time he doesn't bother my other fish at all.


I have one. It doesn't bother much and stays out in view almost all of the time, I had a ocellaris clown in with it and they just ignored each other.


Active Member
i have a all purple one and i would NEVER put it in w/ seahorses, too aggressive ( i just added 2 pepp. shimp and it attacked and i think killed on of them)


Mines fairly aggressive. I have it in with a blue damsel, hippo tang and a niger trigger amoung others. He easily holds his own and picks on my damsel. Be sure if you add him in with other fish you have a decent sized tank. Mine is in a 110 and will attack anyone that comes into "his" space. Oh and he was fairly passive at first but I've had him for a few years now and he's gradually gotten meaner.


Also, when it comes to seahorses, since they are quite docile and slow, other fish, even non aggressive ones will get to the food before the seahorses. I believe seahorse should be kept alone simply for the feeding reasons.