Anyone Have a White Faced Tang!


Does anyone have a white faced tang in any of there tanks.My local fish store has a good sized one in there 1000 gallon tank and it is simply stunning.And the also have one in for sale that is a little smaller and almost has all its adult colors.


Active Member
People very well have it, but more commonly IME it is called a gold rim or powder brown tang. The three names (actually along with white cheek, 4 names) are commonly confused between 2 different species of very similar looking fish. This is why common names are often useless.
I believe on this site it is called a powder brown tang.


Nope the one i am talking is totally has the longer shape like the orange shoulder tang does.
Originally Posted by ophiura
People very well have it, but more commonly IME it is called a gold rim or powder brown tang. The three names (actually along with white cheek, 4 names) are commonly confused between 2 different species of very similar looking fish. This is why common names are often useless.
I believe on this site it is called a powder brown tang.


Active Member
The typical white face tang that I think people would think of is Acanthurus japonicus and looks like a powder brown/gold rim/powder blue etc in shape.

So perhaps it is something else like the "palelipped" tang Acanthurus leucocheilus
That closer to the shape?


Hear is the one i was looking to see if anyone had.
{edit image}
{Ophiura...edit - this is the fish from the encyclopedia of life

crypt keeper

Active Member
Thats a gorgeous fish but you cant post pictures or links from other websites. I highly doubt you will find somebody with that fish. 99% of people go with the norm fish. yellows purples koles fish of that nature.


Active Member
Agreed on the name, Palelipped tang is greatly preferred to avoid confusion, and actually more descriptive IMHO. Yes, they are quite rare, the market for a $200 large brown tang is very slim.
I am considering a second tang for my 240 in addition to my Naso. I really would like a Dussumieri, but mostly ruling him out due to size, and it's between a Monrovia, a Palelipped, and a Maculiceps. (Pale lipped is 3rd to be honest)
These are your typical Acanthurus tangs. They stay smaller then Duss's and Blochii's, really close in shape/size/activity level of Sohals/Clown tangs, though somewhat less aggressive then Sohals. I definitely would make this guy your only Acanthurus tang, short of you having like a 400+gal tank.
If purchasing that particular specimen, definitely QT, you can see white spots on the fins.


Active Member
And the purple behind him is in rough shape with HLLE...
Definitely QT - possible that overall conditions may not be great in the shop, though it may be a trade in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
And the purple behind him is in rough shape with HLLE...
Definitely QT - possible that overall conditions may not be great in the shop, though it may be a trade in.
Yeah, that purple looks like he's in really rough shape...