Anyone have an ICE CAP system for sale?


I am interested in buying a IceCap VHO ABS Hood Lighting System prefferably 48" with 4 bulbs at 440 watts. Let me know if you are have anything or know anyone. THanks. I can't really afford to pay the $500 for a new one right now.


Active Member
There are MUCH cheaper alternatives out there than ice cap that work just as well. I put together a 150 watt system for 120. That is brand new, german 3 piece end caps, AND an electronic ballast that runs VERY VERY well. email me if you want any more info.

sal t. nutz

Yeah, check out You can get a 440watt ballast prewired with endcaps ready to go for $139. The you just buy the bulbs at around $20 each. I just saved you about $250, can I have that extra money?


With some very basic carpentry skills you can make yourself a box to mount them into. Or better yet, finish it off nicely, add a couple of fans and you have a great canopy for a fraction of the cost. Even if you don't have the skills or tools yourself I'm sure you can find someone who could help you out. It's not as complicated as some may think.