Anyone have any experience with Chocolate Chip Star Fish


I think they are really cute and we were thinking about getting one.
I was wondering if they are pretty easy to keep.
Does anyone have one that can tell me a little bit about it.
Please advice,
Very easy to take of they really take care of themselves. They will go to the top of the tank and take floating food.
Sarah :)


Active Member
However, they are not reef safe, and can and will eat things like snails, scallops, clams, sponges, corals, anemones and other things. What size tank do you have, how old is it, and what are your water parameters?


We've had our tank since December 2002 and it's a 55 gallon tank. Our pH is 8.2, Specific Gravity is 1.023, Nitrate and Nitrite is 0 and the temp 78 degrees.
Would this work for my starfish?


Active Member
Yes, but you should remember that it may eat things you do not want. If you are planning a reef tank, it is a bad choice. Also, keep it fed. And do a slow drip acclimation.


I've had 2. The first one i got was pretty big and i didnt know they ate everything. The LFS told me that they were "filter feeders".....they were stoopid. It ate 3 condys and a domino damsel that i think it caught while it was sleeping but i dont really know. But i have one now also. Its smaller and it hasnt attempted to ate my condy's.......yet. I keep it pretty well fed by spot feeding it every 3 days. Mine dont even climb the glass. He either surf the rocks or the sand. But they are nice to have.


I love mine. He's named Choco, of course. I will have to get rid of him soon. My husbnd wants a reef tank, and since he takes care of it, he gets to decide. I love to watch him move along the glass.


Active Member
My chocolate chip eat my sand shifting star:( 1/2 of it at least. I have also heard that they will eat just about anything.


TAceZ28 - Your starfish ate your damsel? I wasn't aware they were that aggressive. All my fish are small. Mmmm I have to think about whether I want to chance my fish getting eaten. I have 6 little damsels. They are pretty agressive, but I wouldn't want them to be eaten.
ophiura- They eat snails? Mmmm I am rethinking this already. Glad I posted the question, before we went out and bought one. What we've read, they said they are easy to take care of and an non aggressive.
ReefNut- I didnt' think they would eat each other.
mishka-We are planning on getting a reef tank, but I think we'll keep our saltwater fish tank. Are reef tanks bad for star fish or is the star fish bad for your reef tank?
Thanks for the advice.


well my damsel was very small and it might have been sick too. It was my first tank and all my fish ended up dying. Only thing that lived through it was my CBS. But yeah woke up one morning and looked in the back of the tank and he was on top of it. You could see his tail sticking out from under the star. But like i said.....the fish may have already died or been sick.
but yeah they will eat anything that doesnt move fast enuff to get away. Corals, anemones, sick fish, snails, other stars.....ANYTHING. Its important to keep them feed tho. They wont eat when they are full so keep em full.


New Member
chocolate chip starfish are very fun to watch, however, I sold my the the LFS due to the fact that he ate my brain coral and many snails.
If you want a reef tank for the sake of your corals DO NOT have a chocolate chip starfish. There are many other starfish that are reef safe.
good luck:D
I wouldnt worry about a CC starfish eating your fish. Snails? Odds are better. I've had one for a year in my FO. Really an active starfish and is a great addition to the tank. Will often come to the surface for food. BTW...named mine Chip :)


Thanks for everyone's response and suggestions. I really like everyone's choices of names!!!
I am debating whether or not to buy one. I do have snails and I wouldn't want them to be dinner.
I am really glad I asked.


My chocolate starfish love to eat snails. If they are in the way of it skimming the bottom - it eats them up pretty quickly. It ate 6 in two days. Expensive taste.


:mad: :mad: I just bought a ccstar yesterday at lfs with $325 of stuff and as you can see I am mad > that salesman knows I have a reef tank!!!!! SAID NOTHING TO ME !!!! it was not the money , just that he did'nt question about this star , I could say he doesnt no about the cc star but he has work there for years .I spent 225 on corals yesterday . I dump atleast 1500 in that store in the last six months ................ I will copy what a read about cc star and mail it to them , well I guess there business does'nt need me . so off I go to a new store , it only takes one time for someone to BS me , its not the money its the principal.
thanks for the advise on the star , he is now in someone else is tank for fish only !!!!!
new fish