Anyone have any luck with a nudibranch


I was wondering if anyone had one in their tank and has anyone had any luck keeping them alive? what size tank and amt. of LR needed?


New Member
I have one, love him, runs all over the place, one of my favorite creatures, going to get another, they say 40 G per.... I have a 75 G tank...2X 250W MHs and 4X65 actinics.
Be careful with filter intakes. Mine was sucked up against the intake of a power filter just this morning. These buggers go everywhere and into anything. Sure are cool to watch though! ***)


Originally Posted by Penelopez
I have one, love him, runs all over the place, one of my favorite creatures, going to get another, they say 40 G per.... I have a 75 G tank...2X 250W MHs and 4X65 actinics.
I wanted to get the black and blue nudie, do u know if I could put him in my 55 with 85 lbs. of LR and 4x54W T-5 lighting...


New Member
Mine likes to get as close as he can to the flow of the current and try to surf there as long as he can, like a dog with its head out of the window.