Anyone have any pics of a Yellowbar Angel?


Here's mine. If you do have one, what do you think of this fish. Mines is kinda shy but aggressive.


ahhhh. maculosus angels, awesome fish. Used to have a 7 incher, was a meanie so returned him to lfs. Urs is a subadult will ose the neon blue stripes when getin older. Enjoy that fish its awesome.


Thanks for the comments. I think I paid about $130 for him (or her). Very pretty fish but aggressive. He always goes after my Sailfin but the Sailfin doesn't seem to be intimidated. Again, thanks for the comments.


Here is another pic. He is not an asfur but a maculosus angel. I've had him for about 7 months now. He eats EVERYTHING I put in the tank. Seaweed Selects (red, brown, and green), frozen Marine Cuisine, Emerald entree, and some flake food. He has some cloudy fins right now but they seem to be getting better on their own. Other than his shyness and aggression towards other fish in the tank, he's great!!! Hope he opens up a bit more cause he's the only fish in the tank who doesn't constantly swim out in the open.