anyone have cheato or culerpa excess?


Yay! Someone contacted me via email and is sending me some chaeto and caulerpa today. I knew there were some good-hearted people out there. Just like Smork, I had an angel just pop up and make a miracle for me. Thanks again Mystery man :)


Originally Posted by saltn00b
well i am supposed to pick up cheato today, but i would like to add halimeda - anyone?
Does it ever end?


Originally Posted by saltn00b
well i am supposed to pick up cheato today, but i would like to add halimeda - anyone?

I also bought some of the halimeda and that red grape looking stuff..dunno the name lol ...But got it all from people here on these boards! thanks again!


Active Member
I have halimeda that I can trade or work out a deal. Most of my stalks/plants are two inches tall. My 10g nano is over growing with it. Email me at I just shipped dwendler a small handful of cheato mix. I did not have a lot of cheato, but I have plenty halimeda for trade.


Active Member
thanks smork - its funny this thread got so big everyone wanting some macro, and i got a big ole ball of different stuff for free. once i am sure it is growing i can return the favor to you guys!


Originally Posted by Smork81
i also got 20 red mangroves heh...U should see my fuge its likke a freakin forrest!

I got a young mangrove chute from lfs and i guess you just stick it in the sand and it grows, right? but which end goes in the sand since both ends are kind of different?
what are best conditions for growth? Light schedule?


Originally Posted by greenwolf52
I got a young mangrove chute from lfs and i guess you just stick it in the sand and it grows, right? but which end goes in the sand since both ends are kind of different?
what are best conditions for growth? Light schedule?


thank you krazekajin, i received the cheato you sent me yesterday, right on time. if anyone is thinking of buying from him, do it. it was packaged great, like i had ordered from he was up front with me about when he would be sending it and he came through with the delivery. thanks again.


Active Member
Those of you who say that your fuge is overflowing with macro. You have to cul it. Either sell it to your LFS, trade it, sell it or throw it away. Depending on how fast it grows, you should be removing half ot it once a month, if you dont cul it and just leave it grow, you will be getting false nitrate readings in your water tests.


Originally Posted by greenwolf52

I bought mine that were in stage 4 of growth. They all had very good root systems i knew which end to put in the water... duh

Not sure about yours though i would just look up red magroves on the net and search for the young propagules and see what it says..Sry i can not help ya more!


Originally Posted by greenwolf52
I got a young mangrove chute from lfs and i guess you just stick it in the sand and it grows, right? but which end goes in the sand since both ends are kind of different?
what are best conditions for growth? Light schedule?

ANY light would work even window light..and the lights from your tank...the uptake of nutrients all go to the for your tanks sake DO NOT let the leaves fall in the tank and get them out ASAP if they do or u will just be releasing more crap back into your water. These plants can grow in almost any condition...I have 40 plants..Some in soil growing...some in my fuge...some in my freshwater tanks...So they are great for anything...KEEp them trimmed!! they are basicly huge shrubs that get really big in its natural habitat..Cut right above the leave node when u prune! Hope this helps
and if im wrong on any of this info just post i am no expert..just have a degree in micro thats all not botany!! :cheer: