Well here's a little info I looked up for ya...
- They don't get very big (the book lists about 3.9")
- can't be kept with other centropyge
- may nip at large and small polyps but are generally ok with most softies excepting maybe xenia
- has a "cryptic nature, making it difficult to catch and somewhat of a prize in the aquarium trade."
- needs a varied, vitamin enriched diet consisting of herbivore foods, fine chopped crustacean meat, and mysid shrimp along with a mature tank with good microalgae growth for grazing
It goes on to basically say that they're actually only moderately hard to keep but does mention specifically that some are cyanide caught, probably because they ARE so hard to catch. I'd say if you're patient enough to let your tank mature for awhile, everything is going really well in your tank and everything is stable for some time, AND you can be sure that you aren't buying one that was caught using cyanide it's certainly doable! Just use extreme caution on purchasing and preparing for it's needs first!