anyone have experience w/ a golden angel?


Active Member
There's a guy that frequents the same LFS as me, he buys every one that they get in. They all die. This guy isn't a novice reefer either.


Active Member
My point exactly. It could also be that they only get collected from areas that don't use good methods.


Not only are they hard to take care of, but they are hiders!! A buddy of mine had one for some time and you would have to look real hard to catch a glimpse of him. Beautiful fish though.


I absolutely love mine, I dont have any problems with him either he doesnt pick on any corals but then again I feed them all well. He did hide for like 2 weeks at first I was really worried but finally he started coming out in the mornings and then morning and evenings, now he hangs out off and on during the day. They are so pretty they look like golden tiger striped fish with like almost golden edging. I guess I am lucky because I have a painted sweetlips Red white and yellow which everyone told me would die and he is gorgeous too eats like a pig! I coaxed both of these two picky fish with live brine mixed with piscine energetics mysis frozen. Once they got the hang of eating food they havent stopped and it has been a year and a half with the sweetlips and 6 months with the golden angel. They even eat flaked food, I guess I am more patient than others. I would give it a shot they are really a major score if you can find one. Carrie


Well here's a little info I looked up for ya...
- They don't get very big (the book lists about 3.9")
- can't be kept with other centropyge
- may nip at large and small polyps but are generally ok with most softies excepting maybe xenia
- has a "cryptic nature, making it difficult to catch and somewhat of a prize in the aquarium trade."
- needs a varied, vitamin enriched diet consisting of herbivore foods, fine chopped crustacean meat, and mysid shrimp along with a mature tank with good microalgae growth for grazing
It goes on to basically say that they're actually only moderately hard to keep but does mention specifically that some are cyanide caught, probably because they ARE so hard to catch. I'd say if you're patient enough to let your tank mature for awhile, everything is going really well in your tank and everything is stable for some time, AND you can be sure that you aren't buying one that was caught using cyanide it's certainly doable! Just use extreme caution on purchasing and preparing for it's needs first!


Active Member
LFS here has one in its display reef and wishes he never put it in there. Picks at the corals and PITA to catch. Expensive too.


Active Member
they are great, i guess i'll get one later on from a good lfs... as for now, i'm goin to get a kole tang instead, i love that fish!