Anyone have info on lps and softies living together?


I cannot seem to keep a brain for more than 6-9 months while pretty much everything else does well. I talked to a guy at the lfs and he told me that it could be because I have a large devils hand and toadstool. I have heard of this before but am not really sure about it. I have (2 hammers,devils hand,colt,toadstool,brain,xenia,xoos,assorted mushrooms and polyps,gsp and a large bubble.) Everything has been healthy except for the brain and my zoos(although that seems to be another mystery-A 1foot by 2 foot section dissapeared in about 3 days-He told me to look for small snails at night regarding that). Should I remove the devils hand? I have plenty of light(over 5 watts per gallon). I am just curious because I could swear I have heard this before. Any input would be greatly appreciated. The tank has been running for about 3 years.


Active Member
leathers and lps/sps have chemical warfare like softies vs. lps/sps. hte softies will always win.but, you can try to over ride it with a very large tank with lots of carbon and heavy skimming. yes sometimes sundial snails eat zoanthids(think its sundial) the guy at you lfs seems very knowledgeable


I'm no expert, but I believe leathers release growth inhibitors mostly, so that they won't be overgrown by anything near them. Not so much chemical warfare such as a hard coral broadcasting stingers, but a chemical that stays in close proximatey and stops the growth of competing corals near them. Basically in mixed tanks the softies will screw up the growth of everything else....I could be wrond though.
How do the brains die usually (bleach, show skeleton, retract?)? what kind of brains? where are they placed? how close to other coral and what are the other corals? Tank dimensions? levels of everything? what lights specifically?


I raise all softies, LPS and clams. The only SPS are Monti Caps. Are these open brains? If so, at that timeframe, I suspect its more likely they are starving to death. Do you target feed them? They need more food. They will look great for a long time and then go into a big downward spiral.
Just our experience over the last 5 years or so.
Good luck,