Anyone have mollies in their sw set-up?


I know some people use mollies to cycle their tank. Believe it or not, I am actually wanting mollies as a permenent feature in my set up. In particular, I would like to incorporate 5 or 6 of the silver/white balloon mollies. I think their coloration would add an amazing contrast to my existing set-up. I currently have a purple tang, kole tang, and half black dwarf angel in a 135g reef. I am not quite sure, tho how the tangs or angel would relate to the mollies. Any thoughts/experiences? thanks tt.


Active Member
Just my thoughts....I didn't spend all that money on a saltwater tank to go and throw fresh water fish in it...I could have just saved a bundle and gone with a fresh water set up.


Lol:D You are right, however, my desgn sensibilities are taking over and I need just the right color. The silver/white of the molly is pretty rare in sw fish. I was considering a Convict tang but I feel the agression/stress level of the tank would increase too much. Besides those balloon mollies are pretty trippy looking, like swiming moth balls;)


A new LFS opened up here in my town and teh guy that opened it has tons of mollies that he has converted to SW. He has a few reef tanks that he has them in and also seels the as SW. They do well, you just have to take the time to acclimate them in to your SW tank. So It can be done. And they can be left in there with the rest of your fish.