anyone have solar panel?


Active Member
i 've been really thinking of getting one to save 400 + dollars per month on electricity and save the environment( i know it sound gay but i really do) i have 3 kids i don't want them to have nothing to look forward to.anyway does anyone have one . its it worth it? less than 20 k after rebate right?to start


Active Member
I am going to bump this for you because I would love to hear some responses. I am interested in this as well.


Only if you have the money.
Solar Panels... I looked at some web pages once, but they are such a large investment at today's prices.
I will bet that in 5 years the prices will drop and even with scientific discovery and engineering these will start to take hold. Especially if oil will stay at an all time high (maybe even higher), given the world's largest supplies are under the worlds most unstable areas.
I imagine in a decade everybody will be a solar entrapenure, but today it is way too much money for average people.

$20,000 I think is what a minimal investment was. Even for just a hot water heater it was pretty high.
Saving the enviornment is only gay if you tie yourself to a tree


Active Member
Okay I ran some numbers for you. I don't know what "scv" california is, so I used Fresno, roughly central to CA to figure this.
To save $400/mo or $4,800/year, you'll need between a 25 and 30KW system.
That's... enormous. The array will be larger than your house and require half a room full of inverters and batteries.
I have no idea what it would cost... I'd expect well in to 100,000+. Of course it's my understanding that California provides significant rebates to help offset the costs, and supposedly if you have a big enough system you can even tie into the electrical grid and sell power above what your house needs at any given time back to the electric company for a credit, though PG&E has a track record for being difficult with this, even though they are required by law to do it.
There is a calculator online that you can use to see what various sized systems will save you in electrical costs. Google "PVWatts" to use it. Then you'd have to go and get companies to estimate the cost of the system to you. Generally speaking, even with government subsidies, a solar panel system will return in about 20-40 years on investment, so you need to be really committed.


Active Member
well i need to contact the sales rep from the solar company and find out really how much .i call him tomorrow


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Okay I ran some numbers for you. I don't know what "scv" california is, so I used Fresno, roughly central to CA to figure this.
To save $400/mo or $4,800/year, you'll need between a 25 and 30KW system.
That's... enormous. The array will be larger than your house and require half a room full of inverters and batteries.
in santa clarita calif 25 miles north ( subur) of los angeles
i have a 600+ sqft placed for the batteries and such .iasked the rep tomorrow to find out more


hahaha. . ..sorry. . .i just started a thread asking this. . . .guess I should've read further. . . oh well


A guy I work with just had a new house built. He had a $20,000 solar unit put on the back of his house. I live in Yuma AZ, pretty much the hottest place in the country. It is still not enough to run the day to day electric. He thought it was going to much more than it did.


i have also thought about this when i move into a new home. even if you don't generate enough to power your whole house you are not taking all the energy from the power company. does anyone know about the upkeep cost on a solar system?


Active Member
they just did a presentation on this at my last reef club meeting.
around here, the panels will pay for themselves in about 10 years. you pay like 60% of the retail cost, the other percentage is paid off by numerous state tax rebates and what not. sorry i dont remember specifics.
this one guy in our club recently switched to solar panels. he has several BIG tanks and this month his electric bill was $5.


Active Member
A friend of mine recently set up a whole house system. After rebates from the state and the power company his investment was about 10K. For the last few months that he's had it his meter has been running backwards during the day and he has been feeding power to the utility company. He figured that the system would pay for itself in about 8-10 years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
A friend of mine recently set up a whole house system. After rebates from the state and the power company his investment was about 10K. For the last few months that he's had it his meter has been running backwards during the day and he has been feeding power to the utility company. He figured that the system would pay for itself in about 8-10 years.
probably the same guy. lol.
i should add that after you make your money back, you receive a check form the power company at the end of every year. the guy who did the presentation said his was paid off years ago and he receives a check every year for between $300-$500. obviously it depends on where you live as well as many other factors.
honestly, i dont think they'll be getting any cheaper. the demand will go up, as will the price. as always


Active Member
nj pays for 50% and i dont remember if the federal tax incentives are still available to. there is a new type that was on discovery channel that should be able to be mass produced (prob in china) for a cost of 10 cents a watt it creates. it costs $1 a watt it creates now in experimental phases compare to the photo cells that cost 2.40 a watt produced. it is plastic based with an ink like substance put on it

shark bait

I have solar power for my home in Laguna and it is 50k for the system. This unit is for my pool to keep it heated and also for the home. The utility company did give me rebate of $18,000 but it took some time to get it. Also I do get money back when I put power back in to the grid but I use power like it is going out of style. I keep the house cold and we have lots of tv's ect that run all the time. After it is all said and done it will take me 20 or so years to break even, if I still live here and I doubt that. So really the only reason to do it is to be green, and on the hot hot days when the power shuts off for other people, my lights are on. So if you got it spend it to be green and to keep the lights on. I also have a Prius, but again spent 30K to be green, i'd rather it go to toyota then shell. JMO..

shark bait

Originally Posted by bullitr
well i need to contact the sales rep from the solar company and find out really how much .i call him tomorrow

am 640 has a company doing ads on it for solar power. My ac guy did mine.


I work for First Solar, Inc. (nasdaq:FSLR) and trust me when I say this, WAIT.

salty blues

Active Member
Well over 25 years ago, the local US Army base where I worked had a large section of new military family housing (as well as the new PX) built with hundreds of solar panels installed on the roofs. The systems were designed to circulate water to help supplement the heating and hot water systems in the units.
The systems never worked properly from the get go. There was quite an array of controls, valves, & pumps to keep in operation, as well as the panels themselves. Something was always breaking down.
Eventually it became more expensive to maintain the solar systems than it was worth & they were all shut down and bypassed. Everything went back strictly to natural gas.
Surely the technology has gotten better these days but it hasn't gotten any(much) cheaper.