anyone have the ecosystem have a few question


New Member
Just got my ecosystem now have a few questions
1 Do you use the filter bag that came with it.
2 Do you use any of the bio balls
3 Do you use a skimmer on the system
Now I have my calcuim reactor hook up to the sump is this ok? now what maintanance do you pull on the system. thx


Active Member
I think there is no filter bag, I think there is no bioballs and I think that it comes with a sedement that is supposed to do the work of all the other three. But you can still use a skimmer.


Active Member
I do not have one, and there is not doubt that I do not particularly think they are worth the money

I would not see why you would need the bioballs if you have LR and what amounts to a refugium. It may depend, however, on your ultimate tank set up and what you want to keep. If you are keeping predators, for example, I would absolutely use the bioballs. A reef? Probably not.
I personally would still use a skimmer.
The filter bag, perhaps, is a mechanical filter, - I haven't looked at one of these in awhile so I am not positive - in which case it might not be a bad idea to use, but should be rinsed frequently.


Active Member
what size tank do you have and what model eco do you have also is it setup if so what micros are you using cheto or calurapa and I also do not think theres a need for bio balls if you have a established reef IMO the media bag I would use one or some form of a way to get some carbon in there It works for me IMO and also it says not to use a skimmer but I would and I do as far as maintance just trim the micro when it gets to high in the mud and after 2 years replace 50% of the mud and make sure to clean out your skimmer and also still do water changes once a week but don't do one for about a month of the break in cycle of the mud also it says not to add micro for the first 2 weeks and also keep the pc light off for that time period


The ecosystem is used without a skimmer thats the whole ecosystems solutions that skimming takes to much nutirents out of the water, so if u use a skimmer u might as well not use the ecosystem.


Active Member
I know thats what it says 2 do but I feel when your loaded with coral and fish a skimmer still benefits you with it then without thats just my 2 cents


I agree i dont run the ecosystem, but to get ur money worth from it u shouldnt run the skimmer and use the filtration that they give u. I know many people who run that dont run a skimmer and the tanks are loaded and they are some of the best tanks ive ever seen.


Active Member
I agree but the one im running isnt the true sump version which is the reason why I run a skimmer its a hang on version and doesnt hold enough micro to break down my trates if I had a 3012 I might not use a skimmer also I did try it without and did me good for awile but trates did catch up to me but my tank is loaded maybe if I didn't packed it to the extreme I wouldn't need one


I was thinking about possibly getting one of these systems for my smaller 30 gallon tank - the one that hangs on the back - I believe it is called the ecosystem 40? I figured I would try it out, to see if I want to put the sump version in my larger 120 gallon tank. My Yellow tang has HLLE and I was thinking about putting him in my 30 gallon with this system for a little bit - I heard it works wonders for that disease. Can you start one of these things in a tank with fish in it, or would you need to start it in a tank and cycle it first? Does anyone know more about this Setup - thanks in advance for anyones help!