Anyone have these 2 fish?


Does anyone have a coral beauty and a flame angel in the same tank? If so, what size is your tank?


New Member
I have three tanks my 54 gal has a flame angel, coral beauty, and a bicolor. Tank has been up and running for about 8 years now fish have been in there for no less than 3 of those years. 180 gal has a flame angel, coral beauty, bi color, eilbli, flameback, and keyhole angel, all getting along flawlessly, tank has been established over 15 years and occupants have been in there no less than 8 years. You can put pygmy angels together. I have been doing it for years.


I have a 125 and going to be upgrading this fall to a 220 gal & was wondering if it was possible. My LFS has one that is gorgous and I wanted to add it to my 125 which houses my coral beauty


New Member
Like most marine fish you will have what I like to call the 2 hour issue, anytime you add a new fish the first two hours is test the new guy time, after that in MOST cases the old fish loses intrest and the new fish does fine. If in doubt add two fish at a time, the all hell breaks loose any the old fish dont have a clue who to pick on.


I have a Flame and a Coral Beauty, they are in a 200 gallon fish only tank with about 180 lbs of LR. I have a juvenile emperor angel, juvi koran, powder blue, hippo tang, and a adult blue angel along with them. My flame will chase my coral beauty around every now and then but there are plenty of hiding places and after a while they stop. They both eat and are very healthy, I let my coral beauty establish himself in my tank for about 6 months then added my flame. I think if you have enough hiding places and you add the flame last or add both simultaneously you should be fine.