Anyone have this Angelfish prob?

jonny bolt

Hi all. I have an Atlantic Pygmy Angel, has it since about last May. Always was a healthy and vibrant fish. Starting within the last week or so, I noticed it was not coming out from behind the rock much, which was highly, highly unusual. I would have to search behind there for minutes just to make sure I could see it moving.
Now, within the last day or 2, it has started coming out front and swimming around. But the blue color on its sides looks faded, whitish, and not as bright, so its clear to see something is wrong with it. And after watching it swim back and forth for awhile, I noticed that it is definitely bumping into the rock sometimes when swimming around. Kind of bumping its chin here and there, not hard, but enough to be recognizable.
I have also tried feeding it the various things I usually do, yet it has no interest. I fed it and watched closely, but it did not eat.
Anyone else seen this type of behavior before? TIA for any tips on what may be going on with it.

jonny bolt

Well, seems this fish is definitely bumping into things. I just watched go right into the rock head first. This may be why it is choosing to swim out front again, in the open space.
Also seems to be swimming across the very bottom alot too, like skimming the sand.

jonny bolt

I feed it Hikari Marine S, Formula Two pellets, Emerald Entree, live brine & frozen brine. All of which are cycled around, so it gets a pretty good weekly diet including treats.
Water parameters are perfect, and I just did my large water change on Sunday. All of my other fish are fine, and my new Fuzzy Dwarf Lion is an animal! All it wants to do is eat, continually begging lol.
The Pygmy is the only one acting out of the ordinary.


Active Member
Beth, just to be curious, but how would he treat it in a QT tank? What would he treat it with? Don't we need to figure out what is wrong with the fish before he moves it?

jonny bolt

Well, the fish seems to be on dope LMAO. I dont know, now it is hanging in the very back behind all the rock again. I can see through one of the caves though....the fish seems to be swimming in one spot or one small area....I can see its tail moving, so I know its still alive. Just seems to be hovering in that one spot.
Water parameters:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10
Ph: 8.2
Temp: 79/80
My Nitrates are usually between 10/20, and nothing has ever been abnormal. I do a 50-to-60% water change every 3 weeks, and mix a batch of new saltwater overnight....I never mix saltwater and put it in the tank the same day. I am religious with everything, and never had any disease problems whatsoever.
Fish are as follows (in order of introduction to the tank)...
tank-raised Maroon Clownfish
Decorated Goby
(Atlantic Pygmy)
Valentini Puffah
Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish
As you can see, the Pygmy Angel was the 3rd to go into the tank, and it has been there for awhile now. I have never a problem with this fish except for when I tried to put a Six Line Wrasse in last Spring. The Angel went nuts and wouldnt let the Wrasse anywhere near the live rock.
Cant figure it out lol. All my other fish are eating on schedule and acting like nothing is going on

EDIT: Forgot to mention that my SG is 1.023. Mine is always between 1.023 and 1.025.

jonny bolt

Well, this might sound weird, but I think this fish is blind LMAO. It was out swimming around the open water again just now, and I was dancing, doing jumping jacks, waving my hands around, and pointing at the fish, and it just swam around and never bolted lol.
I mean, before, if you moved suddenly the Angel would bolt away, I'm sure most would agree with that assessment. But nope, not now. I also noticed it bumping into this again.
However, I did notice it trying to pick up some food on the sand, and it nipped at some LR a bit. But it just swam right by the Emerald Entree I just put in there.