Anyone have this fish?


Active Member
r u going to ask for a full rundown on every fish that is available out there or wat? Cuz yer posts r getting really annoying. Every other thread is one from lionfish28. Now please, stop.


:mad: I WAS WONDERING IF THEY ARE HARD TO KEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because i might be getting ONE when i get a larger TANK! And if i want to ask a question on every fish (probably wont) then i will!
Now,anyone who has these fish please tell me if they are hard to keep and hard to feed


chandler you need to chill out on people dont own this site and as a matter of fact everyday i get on I see your name so chill out...dont read his posts



Originally posted by oceanminded
chandler you need to chill out on people dont own this site and as a matter of fact everyday i get on I see your name so chill out...dont read his posts

exactly!If you dont like me dont read my post.


Active Member
I dont make new threads, i merely answer questions in longetivity. I just think it is annoying to see him taking up the board, wen he should just go and look up this fish somewhere else. marinedepotlive has full rundowns of many more fish than has. They have difficulty levels, eating habits, minimum tank sizes AND pictures:eek: . There are other places, if u search on google.... that will also give u full synopsis of any species. This IS the internet. This place helps, but wen u post this much (not by answering, but by starting new threads) then it is bad. A question now and then is okay, but every day, twice to three thimes a day, is not good. I went to that site for a year b4 I found this place, and that is how i know a bunch on fish, but not corals. I dont blow up on eeryone on the site, and i dont own it, bang guy does, lol. Plus, I do enjoy reading his threads, they give me a nice laugh every now and then. im done here. No more arguing, or a moderator will shut this down anyway:D


Active Member
Restricted Species. This species is very difficult to keep and should only be attempted by expert aquarists, or is a 'delicate shipper.' Our Stay Alive guarantee is not available on this item.
Goatfish, Yellow - Parupeneus cyclostomus
Also known as: Yellowsaddle, Yellow Goatfish
The Parupeneus cyclostomus grows up to 20 inches. The Goatfish, Yellow prefers a tank of at least 140 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim. The Parupeneus cyclostomus is a carnivore and likes to eat variety of meaty treats. The Goatfish, Yellow is a medium maintenance fish and may act peacefully toward other fish. Keep with caution in a reef aquarium; may eat/nip at crustaceans & worms. Goatfish are only effective cleaners when they are small. Parupeneus cyclostomus (Lacepede 1801), the Goldsaddle Goatfish. Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F). The Goatfish, Yellow is commonly collected from the Indian Ocean.


Active Member
Well, I had to go to the site, look up fish, then goatfish, then yellow goatfish. Then I had to highlight those certain words in one sitting, which was tough cuz sumtimes I accidently highlighted the picture, or the price, or the whole thing, so i got frustrated. Then, I had to open a new post and paste those words in, then I had to go back, find the url for that certain page and paste in that as well for the copyright information:D


your tank is way too small for a yellow goat. they need at least 120g. I'm a little bit confused because you want to get so many fishes that i don't know what fishes you're actually getting (btw, are getting shark/ray?). back to the point, as previously said, they can grow to 20". they're like a gentle giant and should be kept with peaceful/noncompetitive tankmates. since the theme of your tank is aggressive predators, it won't be suitable.for your tank also like many other juvenile wrasses, they have a high metabolism and you should be willing to feed it frequently. otherwise they will simply waste away. also, it might be a good idea to do some research before posting you question here because there is a plethora of information out there on the internet.


:happyfish Wow! Chandler you need to chill dude! He's only 15 years old. We all ask questions thats kinda the point:rolleyes: Lionfish 28 is very insightful, and asks some good questions. Oh, and the yellow goatfish needs tank of 140 gal. and eats meaty foods, and only a cleaner when small, and is delicate fish. -ali


WOW! that big! My lfs had some that were like 2inchs.Looks like i wont be getting that for my 180(whenever i get the 180.)
Pufferman,iam really still deciding on a shark or ray:notsure:
If i put my eel(chainlink),striped puffer,dwarf lion(dwarf lion because if my V.lion gets big before i get my 180 i will trade him in for a dwarf
).and if there is a possiblity that i can put a shark and stingray in the 180 i will.But if i cant i will get a stingray......maybe a shark.......i dont know!!!!!!:help:


Active Member
............ Im 15 TOO!!!! YAY!!!
. WATCH out
. On the insert I put in, I think it is in the 200 range actually. They arent as great as some other fish out there, so dont go for it. Yer volitan will be fine in the 55 unless you got him really big. His fins look huge, but he can fold em and doesnt really care that much. They dont swim too much either. NOW, I know peoples are gonna spit and hiss, but if you wanna, keep him in until you KNOW he is too big, then get a bigger tank, cuz u will NOT wanna let him go.


Oh chandler you are only 15..then that explains your rudeness towards people. Im sorry you seemed to be older than that.


:happyfish I thought he was older too? I guess age doesn't matter much in guys anyways, when their 25 they are still 15.