anyone have this problem??


New Member
Hey everyone, I am more of a lurker than a poster. Yesterday I went to go feed our fish, we have a bio cube, the smallest tank I believe it's a 9 gal. anyhow, our clown fish was missing, I found him in the back part of the tank where the filter is housed. How the heck did he get back there?? And is there anyway of preventing this form happening again. He was pretty stressed out, my husband & I didn't think he would make it, But he is acting normal today. here are some pics of our tank too, its about 4 months old, I know we have too many fish 3 right now. I would like to get rid of the damsels and just have 2 clowns.


ive heard of that happening before , not sure how to prevent it besides maybe some eggcrate?
and good luck getting those damsels with out tearing up your beautiful tank


Active Member
Very, very nice tank BTW. And welcome to the boards. Don't be a lurker, help out others as your tank is so nice I'm sure that you have good info. that you could share.


I have had my sally light foot crab get back there on my 24g, I assumed he was dead and was cleaning it and it jumped on me, that can scare the crap out of ya


take out the bioballs and filter and let the water go all the way through i have the 29bio and it works fine for me


New Member
thanks we are trying, so far we have been lucky we have learned our lessons too. Like we had a condi anemone which was doing very well until we bought a expensive cleaner shrimp, and the condi thought we bought him some takeout. The condi went on a hiatus back to the lfs. We also bought some totally bleached out frogspawn, lfs told my hubby it was some rare albino type. hmmm after reading some post on here I figured out that it was not.


I have the 29, and my male clown has done that like 6 times. He has always been fine, but I am going to attach some type of netting so he can't go over anymore!