anyone have zoanthids?


I've had a big colony for about a year. I have them under pc lighting near the bottom. I don't do anything special for them like direct feed or anything. I feed DT's and Marine Snow. They will grow and multiply rapidly in the right conditions. They're really colorful too. I have green, brown and orange. I have a few drop off the main rock every week and float off to parts unknown, I keep looking to find the new colonies. They are easy IME.
I have the ones more comonly known as a sea-mat. Brown and looks like a big leather thing. Same thing as mal with the care, nothing too special, I feed them frozen brine shrimp, flaked food, and DT phytoplankton.
As far as my lighting goes they are under 1 10000k and a 50/50 atinic.


Thanks for the info. DO all polyps like phytoplankton? I have some yellows that I feed brine, flake, and some liquid protein stuff.


Most corals are in some form or another a filter feeder. They get much of their food and nutrients by inflating and deflating with water, what's in the water goes in the coral. Generally, adding Phyto can't hurt, there are a lot of critters you can't even see that will feed on the phyto. Unless you add so much your water is green. :D What other corals do you have?


I only have yellow polyps right now...I have kept FO for about 8 years and this is my first reef set-up. My polyps are doing very well. I am planning on trying sme mushrooms..probably red...and maybe some orenge zoanthids from fiji. Do you have any other reccomendations. I have a Prizm skimmer 2 actinics and 1 white @ 10,000K with a total wattage of 70 in a 20 gallon tank. thanks for you help
Originally posted by mattjtitus:
<STRONG>Anyone have any experience with zoanthids? hard to keep, requirements, etc?</STRONG>
they are hard to keep. keeo your tank maintained and everything should go fine
I just moved my zoanthids into a 5gal. micro reef set-up. I have these under a regular FLO bulb, and they are doing great.
Now when you place them, make sure that you have a spot picked out, because they will conform to where you place it. I had mine twisting and turning on my larger rock, so I bought a smaller ball shaped rock and now it looks as if it is a big ball of polyps.
BTW, they will slime up when you touch them, so dont think your doing alot of harm, because it's natural for this to happen. Within a day or two you should see opening up.
Sorry for the edit, but I also wanted to mention that with the feeding....phytoplankton is a must, but they will also capture whatever falls on thier polyps, so try keeping them higher than the sand.
[ December 10, 2001: Message edited by: Tomato Clown ]


well, i've had not only button polyps but also bullseye polyps for about four months now...they are increasing in number and size with every phytoplankton feeding. i started with one colony of button i have three!! very easy to care for and tolerate a relatively wide range of water conditions. hope this helps...


Where can I get phyoplankton? Are they live? My LFS said dont use them and they don't have them??? thanks for all the help