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i just bought a small fish tank and i have a clown fish, a blueyellow tail fish, anemone and a starfish. i have a lot of Q's that nobody at the ***** answer me.
do i have to leave the fish tank lights on at all times?
the water was seawater i didn't mixed it but when i measure it the hydrometer indicates 36 38 salinity and 1.028 specific gravity is this ok?
i also have a heater which i turned off because the water is always in between 80 84F
how many times i have to feed them?
what anemones and starfish eat?
please someone help me
If I were you I'd find a good LFS that specializes in saltwater (forget *****)becaues you need so much help. It is going to be difficult in this forum your info provided is vague. What size is your tank? What kind of anemone? What kind of lights? Did you get the tank w/fish and inverts? Where do you get your water from it you don't mix it? Do you understand the nitrification cycle? When I started I remember making many mistakes and had to learn so much it seemed overwhelming.
First your specific gravity should be 1.025 if keeping anemones.
Do not use tap water, use only reverse osmosis water. tap water will only cause problems with chlorine, phospates, PH etc.
Temp should be between 76-80 degrees, I keep mine at 78.
You need to keep it cooler than 84 you will have losses if it stays there. You should dial down the heater and could use small fan blow at the surface of the tank to cool it.
Lights should be on a timer. If your photo period is longer than 12 hours a day you'll have algae problems.
Anomenes eat almost any meaty food (frozen) you'd feed your fish, mysis, squid, krill, silversides, Rod's, I buy raw shrimp, scallops etc. from the grocery store and freeze in chunks for mine. Some feed flake food but I prefer frozen.
What kind of starfish? Some eat algae some need meaty food.
If you give more specific information you get better advice, there are many here who would gladly offer the help you need. I myself want you to be successful. : )