anyone help please!!!


New Member
i just bought a small fish tank and i have a clown fish, a blueyellow tail fish, anemone and a starfish. i have a lot of Q's that nobody at the ***** answer me.
do i have to leave the fish tank lights on at all times?
the water was seawater i didn't mixed it but when i measure it the hydrometer indicates 36 38 salinity and 1.028 specific gravity is this ok?
i also have a heater which i turned off because the water is always in between 80 84F
how many times i have to feed them?
what anemones and starfish eat?
please someone help me

brad pitt

Originally Posted by jkizz
i just bought a small fish tank and i have a clown fish, a blueyellow tail fish, anemone and a starfish. i have a lot of Q's that nobody at the ***** answer me.
do i have to leave the fish tank lights on at all times?
the water was seawater i didn't mixed it but when i measure it the hydrometer indicates 36 38 salinity and 1.028 specific gravity is this ok?
i also have a heater which i turned off because the water is always in between 80 84F
how many times i have to feed them?
what anemones and starfish eat?
please someone help me
WOW nobody helped u?
no u have to turn the lights off at night when u go to bed, then turn them on in the morning.
36 38 salinity and 1.028 is a little high take a little water out and add fresh water until it gets too 32, 1.024 between 1.021
dont turn off the heater never! lower the dial to about 78 -80 that should be ok
feed them 1 or 2 times a day. but not too much. i feed mine once every 2 days. you can do that too if u want.
anemones eat tiny pieces of krill (type of crustation) ***** sells them in the frozen section. now each piece is too big for it cut it into small pieces about the size of its mouth and u have to put ur hand in the tank and put it really close to its mouth. but anemones have to be feed only once a week. starfish eat algae off the rocks and glass. but add trace elements to make more algae for your starfish because he will die from starvation. calcium is very good 4 ur tank too.
any more Q's just ask


Originally Posted by jkizz
i just bought a small fish tank and i have a clown fish, a blueyellow tail fish, anemone and a starfish. i have a lot of Q's that nobody at the ***** answer me.
do i have to leave the fish tank lights on at all times?
the water was seawater i didn't mixed it but when i measure it the hydrometer indicates 36 38 salinity and 1.028 specific gravity is this ok?
i also have a heater which i turned off because the water is always in between 80 84F
how many times i have to feed them?
what anemones and starfish eat?
please someone help me
If I were you I'd find a good LFS that specializes in saltwater (forget *****)becaues you need so much help. It is going to be difficult in this forum your info provided is vague. What size is your tank? What kind of anemone? What kind of lights? Did you get the tank w/fish and inverts? Where do you get your water from it you don't mix it? Do you understand the nitrification cycle? When I started I remember making many mistakes and had to learn so much it seemed overwhelming.
First your specific gravity should be 1.025 if keeping anemones.
Do not use tap water, use only reverse osmosis water. tap water will only cause problems with chlorine, phospates, PH etc.
Temp should be between 76-80 degrees, I keep mine at 78.
You need to keep it cooler than 84 you will have losses if it stays there. You should dial down the heater and could use small fan blow at the surface of the tank to cool it.
Lights should be on a timer. If your photo period is longer than 12 hours a day you'll have algae problems.
Anomenes eat almost any meaty food (frozen) you'd feed your fish, mysis, squid, krill, silversides, Rod's, I buy raw shrimp, scallops etc. from the grocery store and freeze in chunks for mine. Some feed flake food but I prefer frozen.
What kind of starfish? Some eat algae some need meaty food.
If you give more specific information you get better advice, there are many here who would gladly offer the help you need. I myself want you to be successful. : )


Active Member
Originally Posted by jkizz
i just bought a small fish tank and i have a clown fish, a blueyellow tail fish, anemone and a starfish. i have a lot of Q's that nobody at the ***** answer me.
do i have to leave the fish tank lights on at all times?No, turn them on in the moring and turn them off at night, usually a 10-12 hour cycle is best
the water was seawater i didn't mixed it but when i measure it the hydrometer indicates 36 38 salinity and 1.028 specific gravity is this ok?That is a bit high, you should have around 34-35 salinity and 1.026 specific gravity
i also have a heater which i turned off because the water is always in between 80 84FIdeal saltwater temp is around 78
how many times i have to feed them?Only feed once a day, as much as they can eat within 2 minutes - no more
what anemones and starfish eat?Depends on the starfish, it may eat your anemone. Depends on what type of starfish. Your anemone only needs good lighting. If you have HO T5 or MH then feeding is not necessary. Spot feeding once a couple weeks with raw shrimp and silver sides will be good for it.
please someone help me
See my notes in red. I'm worried for a few reasons. One your anemone needs a stable environment and good lighting in order to survive. How long has your tank been setup? I hope for longer than 6 months. What type of lighting do you have? I hope T5 or MH. If you don't have both of these environmental issues under control i would suggest taking the anemone back until you can give it a proper home.
DId you cycle your tank? What are your tank parameters? To be specific we need an Ammonia reading, Nitrite, and Nitrate reading. DOn't have someone else test these for you, actually test them yourself and post the readings here.
Oh and finally, please find another pet store that specializes in saltwater. ***** may be a nice place to buy your dog food, or your cat some toys, but when it comes to fish they suck. Most generic places like that suck in general from what i've experienced. Find a local fish store (LFS) in your area that specializes in saltwater fish.
And buy a book and read this forum.


You've got to be kidding me. YOU purchased all of these LIVE animals and you don't have a clue on how to care for them. Do these animals a favor and take them back before they are all dead (if they aren't already), and EDUCATE yourself BEFORE you purchase!


New Member
brat,lmecher, and lex thank you so much for your help!!! i really appreciated. u are such a nice people even though there are people like riccio who think that i'm an ignorant but if i was i wouldn't sing up for help maybe one day i become an expert like u guys. Thank u, i do care for live animals that's why i am looking for help. jkizz


New Member
Originally Posted by jkizz
i just bought a small fish tank and i have a clown fish, a blueyellow tail fish, anemone and a starfish. i have a lot of Q's that nobody at the ***** answer me.
do i have to leave the fish tank lights on at all times?
the water was seawater i didn't mixed it but when i measure it the hydrometer indicates 36 38 salinity and 1.028 specific gravity is this ok?
i also have a heater which i turned off because the water is always in between 80 84F
how many times i have to feed them?
what anemones and starfish eat?
please someone help me
No you do NOT have to keep your lights on at all times. It is best if you keep them on a timer.


Jennifer, The last thing I want to do is make someone stop asking when they have questions. You'll find some very friendly people on these forums, fish people maybe nerdy, but get us talking about our tanks and we forget everything else. Don't let anyone discourage you. If you'd give us your parameters and tell us more about your set up we could give you advice to get you on the right path. As far as your expert comment, may seem that way now but you learn as you go, some have been on the road longer. : )