anyone here a christian scientist??



hmmm... i just don't like sharing my sins, except for with the hubby, that's ok, but i really don't sin that much, i try to be pure of heart, and good!


Active Member
lol....thats fine...i dont really know if anyone can say you have to share your sins...i just think it can be beneficial.


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As for Mary and whether or not she had other children, the bible does say that she did. Look up Matthew 13:55.


i'll forgive your stupidity...
but i don't take that to mean those are Mary's kids... in those days, they referred to close friends as brothers...


Active Member
yes, but if you look at the sentence with the one around it talking about his mother, father, sister, could assume he is talking about family and what not


but it's not to say He is... hehehe, we could go on and on and on and on about this...


Active Member
yea...there i guess maybe is no realll way to know, and maybe the more important thing is does it change anything either way? for me it sure doesnt...maybe to someone else it could probably.


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Bronco, the issue about whether or not Jesus had any brothers stems from the Catholic idea of Mary remaining a virgin her entire life. A small step toward the many things that lead to prayers to Mary, which Southern baptists and like religions disagree with as the Bible says that Jesus is the only way to the Father (John 14:6). And as mentioned earlier, this verse nullifies the requirement to pray to a priest to be forgiven of sins.


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A Roman Catholic will tell you that they pray THROUGH Mary and the Saints. They don't pray TO them.
Catholics have a lot of Church Tradition that may or may not be Biblical. (Same as most Christian denomonations.)


Just an interjection here but has anyone else read ~ Holy Blood, Holy Grail ~ by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln.


no, i haven't.
and yes, farmboy is correct. We believe that certain saints have a better "pull" at certain things... St. michael will help battle demons, for example. He goes to God and says "hey, Man, this girl has demon problems, wanna give her a hand?"


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Christian Scientist's are so far out in left field its not even funny.
Seriously....When i first read of Christian scientists i just started laughing... then i thought to myself even more scary it is they make mormans look normal

Bible is pretty clear on False prophets...
if only people would read there Bibles...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
well, the catholic church says you have to confess your sins to a priest, then the priest conveys this to God, and God forgives you, then the priest tells you what to do so you can be forgiven (ie, say 2 rosaries, or 2 our fathers and a hail mary, etc...)
I think that's the biggest load of crap! Why can't i just talk right to God and be forgiven.
and i like the foot washing thing, only i don't like feet... :scared:

The Bible in NO place says you are to confess your sins to a priest and he will convey your sins to God. I speak Greek,Latin and Hebrew ..and have translated several Bibles....
be watchful of what your told.
secondly the Catholic Bible does have ADDED books that were rejected by Christians. Bible also states clearly mary was married. I dont know about you...but if i was married to a woman and we did not pertake in certin events...i dont know what i would do.... she was a Virgin while giving birth to Christ...not her whole life.


Active Member
Morman doctrine twists the Bible, they're are out in left field....just mormans more out in the outfield...not out in the parking lot like CS.