Anyone here a vet or vet tech??

michelle l

"Yes!!! I looked at them when I was searching for my first show dane! I ended up going with Diamond Danes in St. Louis because they had a breeding out of two absolutely GORGEOUS dogs with puppies that were almost ready to go when I was ready to get one. Karen and Bernie are really great people too if you get a chance to ever meet them!"
OMG DaneDodger!! I know Karen and Bernie....not personally, but I know a few people in my area who have gotten pups from them and I have always heard such wonderful things about them. They have very beautiful dogs, and I hear that they are fantastic breeders who back thier pups 100%. Actually, my dogs breeders (Sean and Tammy) just bred their Ch. male, Auto, to one of the Martin's females, and they plan to do a repeat breeding soon, I think.
Darth, I'm stunned and tickled to hear that you may own a relative of my Neo!! Sean and Tammy have started a new bloodline though so your girl may be from different lines than Neo. Can I ask who her sire or dam was, if you know?? I don't know how to put this so I'll just say it...I'm suprised to hear that your girl was given to you by her original owner. Sean and Tammy have a clause in the contract that states if any dog is going to be rehomed that it needs to be offered to them first. That's how I got Neo...he was returned to them and they rehomed him with me. I wonder if they even knew that your girl went elsewhere? If you ever need help with her in any way (health, behavoral, etc.) give them a call. They back up their dogs 100% as well and I'm sure that they'd be happy to help you with advice or whatever!!
I'm not saying in any way that there may be problems with your girl or that she was rehomed in a way that broke her contract, I'm just saying that I'm sure Sean and Tammy would be there for you if you ever have questions.
Sorry, Bluegirl, to have hijacked this's just such a small world!!!! Danes are great dogs...hang in there through the puppy age (which can last up to two+ years) and you'll have the most devoted dog ever. I'm not crazy about Pedigree foods but your protein levels are fine for a growing Dane pup. If she is lean but not skinny then that's places less stress on growing bones. Good job!


lol...thanks for the biggie on the hijack, i don't mind. I'm just happy to meet other dane owners that survived the puppy stage.

michelle l

Do you like to read? If so, there is a great book out there called "Good Owners, Great Dogs" by Brian Kilcommons which may help you understand your dog when they start misbehaving. I thought it was a great book because it helped me to understand what my dog is thinking, and so it teaches you to be a better dog owner, and how to deal with potential behavior issues. Good luck!


4 1/2 months old, she a great dog but is displaying behavioral problems. She likes to chew on people and steal food from counters and plates, she seems to be hard headed and likes to destroy stuff. I guess that's the life of a puppy, I just hope my house survives.
She sounds like a very normal dane puppy
She will chew, especially about now as she should start losing some puppy teeth fairly soon if she hasn't already. They chew a lot more when they're teething.
1. Make sure she has at least several of her own chews at all times. It's even good to have several out for her and at least several more hidden away somewhere so that you can switch out periodically to keep her interested.
2. Don't leave her free in the house unsupervised as this will be when she nabs something to tear to shreds! Kennel training (or you can use a small bathroom or laundry room cleared of anything she could tear up) is an awesome way to keep them from getting into everything when you can't keep your eyes on them.
3. Whenever she does go for something she's not supposed to chew give her a quick "no" to distract her away from it and get her chewing on one of her own things giving her lots of sweet talk and pats while she's chewing her toy.
4. Don't allow her to chew on people, those baby teeth can hurt and they don't always know their own strength as they grow up. Try to direct her chewing back onto her own things and/or completely take away your attention if she tries to mouth you. She's probably trying to play with you so if you ignore her completely when she mouths you she'll learn that play biting has the opposite affect she's searching for. Reward her for NOT mouthing you by giving her attention then and she'll get the idea even faster.
Stealing food or counter surfing...well with four kids and this many critters I only WISH I had a cure for that one!
Just keep in mind that we people are the ones who accidently train them to do this. We leave food out somewhere, they grab it and think "WOW that's GOOD!", so voila, they've gotten a reward for the behavior which makes it even more likely she'll do it again.
My boy can be very hard headed and stubborn too so you have to start training them early with positive reinforcement! Stay calm, be consistent and fair, hang onto your patience, and just outstubborn her! Mine's also the smartest dumb dog I've ever seen! He acts like a complete innocent doofus airhead most of the time but I've seen this dog figure out how to open the bin we keep food in, unlatch gates, and I swear he's trying to learn how to turn on the bathtub faucets (he loves drinking right out of the faucets!) because he studies my hands INTENTLY whenever I turn them on! :hilarious
OMG DaneDodger!! I know Karen and Bernie....not personally, but I know a few people in my area who have gotten pups from them and I have always heard such wonderful things about them. They have very beautiful dogs, and I hear that they are fantastic breeders who back thier pups 100%. Actually, my dogs breeders (Sean and Tammy) just bred their Ch. male, Auto, to one of the Martin's females, and they plan to do a repeat breeding soon, I think.
I feel so rotten for having to quit showing my boy I got from them that I haven't contacted them in a good while.
I thought for sure that never having shown a dog before I was in for some hard times proving myself to breeders before I could get any of them to trust me enough with the quality of dog that I was looking for but Karen and Bernie were just the sweetest people in the world! I feel like they put a lot of trust into me letting me get a really gorgeous dog from them and now I feel like I've completely let them down. I think he's very finishable and has some excellent qualities to offer the breed so I feel like I've let him and the breed down as well. I've often considered contacting them to see if they know anyone really good that would like to show him but my heart would break giving him up! At least he still enjoys the good life of a pampered much loved house pooch. He saved my life when I lost everything. You just can't lay down and die or kill yourself when you've got this huge head on you looking at you with these big, sad eyes like "it'll be ok, mom, I love you". :):sniffle:: now I'm tearing up remembering, he's my big baby)
But yes, great breeders, quality dogs, and very sweet, caring people. I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to tell someone to buy a dog from them!


Yes, I love to read. I'll try to find that book. As far as kenneling goes, we have a monster kennel that is in our dining room, Scooby sleeps there at night to keep her out of trouble and is in there during the day during our meal times and when she has misbehaved. Which lately seems like all the time. But seriously, I try not to keep her locked up more than neccesary, because I know that I wouldn't want to be locked up either. She has started losing teeth, and I have the marks on my hands and arms to prove it. I'm going to try ignoring her when she chews on me. Today, we had a problem though. She jumped on the couch and insisted on taking my food away from me, when I wouldn't give it she pawed at me, started growling and barking, then started biting me. I pushed her off the couch, she ran around the ottoman once and was back on the couch next to me in an all out puppy attack. She meant business, so directly to kennel. She is there now, I have a 5 yr old son, I can't risk her attacking him like she did me. I've never seen her behave that aggresively before, I think she was trying to tell me that she was boss. I asserted myself over her and have the teeth marks to prove it.


Some danes will dominate you if you allow it and it most likely WILL become a dangerous situation eventually just because of their size. Put her on the Nothing in Life is Free program right away! Just enter that or NILIF into any search engine and you should find it easily. It really helps establish proper dominance roles in a gentle way.
One important thing I can see you're going to need in order to establish dominance is stop letting her up on the furniture! Make a big comfy spot somewhere in the same room the family is usually in and make sure to show her that THAT is her spot.


We implemented the NILIF program as soon as I finished reading about it. She hates it! She hates being ignored. It's working, she's calmed down already. :cheer:


Back when I ran my own rescue I used it on all the dogs and it was amazing! I still recommend people use it on all their dogs because it's just an easily grasped way to exert your dominance without resorting to physical means. But I especially recommend it for dogs with any sort of problem!