Anyone here had experince with a cuttlefish?


I have a 29gal tank that is now empty because I just set up my new 90gal. I was toying with the idea of cycleing it again and getting only a cuttlefish. I know the cuttlefish stay small so I was wondering if 29gal was enough. Please let me know if you have had one and how hard is it to keep healthy. Also where is a good place to get one. I have a shop near me that has one and it is only $59 but is really plain looking. sell beautiful ones for $199. I am haveing a hard time finding them anywhere else.
I am including a picture of the one they sell on **************.com
Thanks for the Help!***********.com/images/products/large/pw79063cuttlefish.jpg
i have no experience with them except at restaurants. i just seen them on discovery channel and i would think they need a bigger tank and the care for them should be the same as octupus.


New Member
DRIZCOL I have also been looking for a cuttlefish but have not been able to find one. Where are you located at or where is the shop located at. I thought it may be worth the drive if not to far.


yeah we would have liked to have gotten iether an octopus or cuddlefish; both however, can get out of the tank, especiaally the octopus; I'd just spend the $60; they tend to camoufladge themselves depending on their surroundings; I hve seen them few times in person at public aquariums, and although most were a plain tranlucent whitish color for the most part, they did exibit various color changing patterns; have also heard that they tend to only live about 6 months on average in captivity; $200 awful lot to spend on something that may not be happy and only live for that period of time


Active Member
skip the cuttlefish. they need a big tank, at least 150+ and it is very hard to keep them b/c they need special lighting and care. if you really want a tentacled friend, go for an octo. bo