Anyone here have a filter attachment for there powerheads?


If you're talking about the spong pre-filters, I think they're great. They keep the critters from getting sucked into them.
- Tom

mr . salty

Active Member
I got them on both of my large haggens,but I removed the filter material just leaving the plastic cage on them..This works great for keeping the fish/critters out...


Mr. Salty has the right idea. I took the sponge part off and kept the cage. The sponge traps too much food and other crap. I was having to clean it too much. Twice was too much for me. :D I'd rather just scrape algae and not clean ph sponges.


Active Member
I use them on all 3 of my powerheads in 3 different tanks but I use the filter pads and like the fact they help clean the water for me. In my case I do not mind taking them out once or twice a month and replacing the pads. I strongly recommend some type of pre filter (with pads or not) on any powerheads in a tank where possible.