Anyone here know about propogating a Bubble coral?


I had received a bubble coral 3 weeks ago, it died from shipping stress, bare skeleton etc. However, a very small piece of the tissue dropped onto the floor of the tank, and is alive!! It is about 1/2 long and wide when it is inflated, and quite a bit smaller at night. It looks like it puts out 2 tiny tentacles at night to feed. Currently it is in my 10 gal HT and I wanted to know if anyone has ever had any sucess with growing these from frags or other propogation methods!
Please reply with any input that might help! I am ading Phytoplankton every other day and other than that leaving it alone. It does kind of float from spot to spot.
Any idea if it will regrow a skeleton? or attach to anything ( there is a 1 lbs piece of well established LR in with it) ??
Thank you, and Happy Holidays and Merry New Year!!


I have heard of people propogating many LPS coral but I would definately wait until it gets much bigger so it has a better chance of surviving. I am no expert but I would wait.


Is there any flesh left over on the skeleton? I had my bubble coral that was wiped out by a few fire bristle worms. But now that I got rid of the worms, Bigger portions of the flesh have grown back and there are a ton of little new ones growing all over the skeleton. I'm anxious to see how it looks in a few months when those little new ones all grow on the same skeleton. Good luck with yours and I hope it makes it.


There are two seperate tiny clusters floating around the bottom of the tank at this point. Both of them look quite healthy if that is the right word! The skeleton is completely bare.
Should I try to put one f the pieces back on the skeleton?
Will each just grow a skeleton on their own?
I could only get a picture of one of them, the other is hidden behind a rock..