Anyone hunt Coyotes out there?


I do! I just started, and my dad and I just got my first kill this last weekend! I thought i might share some picture of the hide. Can anyone tell me if it is against the rules to show the trophy photo?
He was 61" long when wet but shrunk to 59" after being cured.

Sorry if anyone is offended, i am not trying to be rude or anything. We hunt because these kill cattle and we also sell the pelts, it's a win-win for everyone, well except the coyotes....


Active Member
I've hunted them while deer hunting if we would happen across one. Turned them in for the pelts but I've never gone coyote calling or anything like that. They can be a great challenge and good excuse for getting outside and enjoying the outdoors -- I say kudos with all legal hunting.
The older I get just seems like the less hunting I do... still like fishing but I generally let them go as I hate to clean them... plus still have 100lbs of halibut from going to alaska ahile back.


Active Member
I used to when they'd come on my land and try to attack my horses at night. They can be major pests to livestock.

tank a holic

Active Member
I've gone a few times, usually hunt fox but whatever comes to the call
i always rooted for the roadrunner anyway


Wow I'm glad there are so many hunters out there!
The great part about coyote hunting here in NM is that there is no bag limit or season and they are unprotected so you don't even need a hunting license to get them!


Active Member
No, you are not breaking any rules...let's see the pics.
I have been trying to get one here for awhile. I have seen him several times but never when I was hunting, or even had a gun close by. I'm really wanting to add him to my collection. Any tips on luring these guys in, or hunt them specifically? So far, I have just been hoping on a chance encounter while deer hunting.


Active Member
I've got a hand rabbit distress call. As well as a couple of the pocket calls. I like the hand one best myself. But the digital pocket calls have a place too. I'll gun and go all day long. If specifically for coyotes cal no longer than 20 min in any one spot. 45 for Bobcats and others...Sometimes you let the coyotes go by hoping for a cat instead. They (coyotes)come in quickly, bobcats are more careful. Don't over call, don't blast out loud right off the bat. If you've got one you got several. You want to be fully camoed, nothing but the whites of your eyes, and scent free. Hiding in a cedar or low pine will do a good job over covering your scent. But blocks your view. I don't worry so much about the wind direction as I do covering my scent up. I like to hunt the openings. I'll set up with with a view of the field, but in the tree line whenever possible, and up a little if possible. Remember when your calling that they are going to look for the sound. So be careful when hand calling. Motion is a dead give away. You don't want to over call any area, I mean that they will become call shy after hearing the call and seeing you. So don't leave any witnesses.
Don't do it too frequently. If your hunting a specific animal, pattern him. then set up so you have the advantage somewhere. Dig out a small hole with fresh dirt piled up like someone just dug 'em out a new home. Do this in good view for you and so the coyote will see it yet not be looking at you while checking it out. Set up, sit down, let things calm down 15 min or so, then start calling very light and very sparingly....Bust 'em good when he comes bouncing in.

I shoot a 22-250 50 grain JHP and 200yrd shots are no problem...
The one above was on the walk, 330 yrds out. Hit him through two cedars as he stepped out. Right in the sweet spot, 10 foot later thar he lay.


Active Member
I can't be the only one that thinks that unless the coyotes are killing your livestock that it is just wrong to hunt them. Its not like you're going to eat them, so its just for a trophy or to make a few bucks selling the pelt...


"Residents need no license to take unprotected furbearers. There is no closed season or bag limit on unprotected furbearers or unprotected species."
Thank you large Coyote population.
here are the pics, though they might be a little small...



Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
I can't be the only one that thinks that unless the coyotes are killing your livestock that it is just wrong to hunt them. Its not like you're going to eat them, so its just for a trophy or to make a few bucks selling the pelt...
Spoken like someone who's never had to deal with them. Here's what happens when the pests are protected so hunters cannot collect pelts.
My wife works in this area


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
I can't be the only one that thinks that unless the coyotes are killing your livestock that it is just wrong to hunt them. Its not like you're going to eat them, so its just for a trophy or to make a few bucks selling the pelt...

This is a completely uneducated liberal view. Educate your self about this subject then you can be judgemental. Actually, those who hunt these are serving you.


T316- When I go we take a rabbit ditress handheld call and just sit in a place where there isn't too much brush under a tree or behind a bush and where we can see quite a way out. Then we call sparingly for about 15 min and if none show up by then we get out.
When we went yesterday we had a great spot but didn't see any coyotes, so we drove away in seatch of the next spot through the area we had just been looking and saw 4 coyotes! I don't know if we had just left too early or if they had caught our scent and were hanging back. I would like to think it was the first


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Spoken like someone who's never had to deal with them. Here's what happens when the pests are protected so hunters cannot collect pelts.
My wife works in this area

Originally Posted by wattsupdoc

This is a completly uneducated liberal view. Educate your self about this subject then you can be jujgemental. Actually, those who hunt these are serving you.

Just to be clear, I am not some uneducated liberal. If the coyotes are a nuisance and are attacking people, then by all means they should be culled.


Coyotes are every where here in Wyoming. Last year I shoot 20-25 on my buddies land. They kept killing his chickens so I just set up 150 yards from the chicken coop and do some calling and you could hear them yipping and next thing you know here they come wanting to get a free meal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Just to be clear, I am not some uneducated liberal. If the coyotes are a nuisance and are attacking people, then by all means they should be culled.
I didnt say that you
were an uneducated liberal, I said that that particular view is an uneducated liberal view. Typical tree hugger view. No offense. But the truth is that even if they are not being a nuisance the population needs to be kept in check. Additionally there is no such thing as "wasting meat" or something along those lines. I have discarded many animals in the past and will continue to do so. Tell me exactly how the animal goes to waste just because I take it's hide and nothjing else.
BTW joebob, Good job, whatcha shootin there? Was that your kill?


I'm shooting an M1 Carbine, it's great because there's no exit wound (And a 15 round clip for those days when my aim is off!)
I was shooting an 8mm mauser (a G43, WWII German assault rifle almost) but ditched it because it was waaaay overkill. And yeah, that's me in the picture.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Just to be clear, I am not some uneducated liberal. If the coyotes are a nuisance and are attacking people, then by all means they should be culled.
If you don't keep them thinned they quickly become nuisances, that is why many areas allow hunting them. As bad as Coyotes are wolves are worse. You have to practice the tripple S with those, Shoot, shovel and shut up