anyone ID this?

the coral on the left.. not sure what it is? LFS though maybe echino of some sort but im not to sure of that due to its texture. As you can see its got a bunch of tiny bumps and green mouths. it is soft and slimy with a hard skeleton so of course its LPS but Im not sure of exactly what it is. Awesome piece but would like to put a name to it.. thanks! (and that red micro is in there for your viewing pleasure lol)


Could be a lepastrea. I also thought a cypastrea, but I don;t think so. It is beautiful. If you ever frag it shoot me a pm. Good luck in your search.
Could be but oddly enough I cant find any pictures of either one of what you talking about lol.. and if it grows it will be fragged in the future so Im sure Ill have quite a few people interested, its a really interesting unusual piece.
actually had a little help from other places and it is believed to be cyphastrea.. we compared texture, shape, mouths, etc.. seems to be what it is thanks though