Anyone in frags?


My reef tank is being over run with frags and corals....anyone interested in helping out by trading for some frags. I am fighting contant battles and need to do some weeding.....


I have plenty of SPS, in green & blue, a couple in red (marroon). If I don't move them soon they will not survive an attack from my Hydnophora (Which I have frags of). I have a couple of softies that need to go, they need room to grow. Plenty of shrooms too. I'll get the glass cleaned this weekend and take some closeup pics.
I need to start a grow out tank soon.....

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by LeBoeuf
I have plenty of SPS, in green & blue, a couple in red (marroon). If I don't move them soon they will not survive an attack from my Hydnophora (Which I have frags of). I have a couple of softies that need to go, they need room to grow. Plenty of shrooms too. I'll get the glass cleaned this weekend and take some closeup pics.
I need to start a grow out tank soon.....
E-mail me and we can work something out. Send me some pics of your acropora and I will send you some recent pics of my atlantis pink polyp montipora.