Anyone in Michigan want to jointly order from in January?


Anyone know where i can get southdown, old castle, or yardright sand near the Brighton area? I will pick up from someones house if I need to. I need about 150 lbs. Any store within 1 or 2 hours would be great! thanks.:D


About two weeks ago I bought some from Home Depot in Lansing (936 S Waverly Rd Lansing, MI 48917) selling 50lb bags for $6.99.
Here is all the item #'s give these #'s to some one there and they will help you out.
SKU # 578-819
UPC # 0-210026-16865-5
Model # 420-100
I hope this helps.


4 X a charm, thanks for replying. The week of Feb 20th is fine with me. Can you give me an idea on what you are interested in getting? I am interested in getting a dwarf angelfish is all, I think. Anyone else?


well what i was looking to get isnt open anymore :(, Lemonpeel Angel, If He comes back online, i'll still buy with you guys or i'll just have to wait. :( keep an eye out with me


The fish I was going to get is sold out also. At least I know that we need a lemonpeel angel and the cherub I want. Anyone else? That way we can order these as soon as they become available. The last time I ordered fish I told them that if they had a blue neon goby (which were sold out according to web site) that I would want that in place of another fish. Guess what? I had a neon goby sent to me. We could do that again if they have most of what we want and I let them know that a group of us want to order and whatever they are "sold out" of that could they check again. :)
4 x a charm what are you wanting to order? :confused:


4 X a Charm, I really need you to email me or give me your email so that Kistler, you and I can get our orders together. If you cannot order with Kistler and myself than our order will certainly fall short of the $79.00. Thanks.