Anyone in NH


ya,i know.ive been real busy lately. i had a fo tank but we just got rid of our naso tang and just started putting in live rock."its a beautiful thing!" the rock is.i never realized how nice looking and interesting it is.all we have left is our cc star and a hermit crab.but we are going to go more reef than that our tang is gone we have more options cuz she was soooo territorial,she would torture anything we had in there. so now we are getting our water levels under control and then we will take it from there.

nm reef

Active Member
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Hey Kojack I am in Yarmouth maine and was wondering if you had any decent LFS down there with good selections of fish and coral?


hey mouse, did you happen to take your tang to plymouth ? i was there tuesday and i had seen a huge naso tang ! he was beautiful and looked very healthy. the live rock will help you get your water quality under controll once you get enough any way. i think you will enjoy making your tank into a reef. plymouth has alot of nice corals to choose from. maybe down the road when you are ready i can help you out, i usually have some shrooms to spare.


As a matter of fact, I did. Im having a real hard time without him.He left me on mothers day and now i look in my tank and see nothing swimming.But I know that once everything gets under control, it would have been worth it. The rock there is very nice and the 1st tank when u walk in is what we would like to kinda aim for.We are gonna pick up more rock and start getting coral once the levels are good. But "I still miss naso!!!!!"
but i know he is in good hands there.And he may not even resell him,that way I have visitation rights!!!!!


its nice that you can still see your fish. looks like he wont be pushing around the other fish in that tank since they are about the same size he is, lol
the first tank is the softies tank, a good choice to start with. what do you have for lighting ?
have you thought about what kind of fish you are going to add ? i think thats part of the fun, thinking about all the diffrent corals and fish you want !